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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-03 10:49



热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 04:09

IMSHOW Display image.

IMSHOW(I,N) displays the intensity image I with N discrete

levels of gray. If you omit N, IMSHOW uses 256 gray levels on

24-bit displays, or 64 gray levels on other systems.

IMSHOW(I,[LOW HIGH]) displays I as a grayscale intensity

image, specifying the data range for I. The value LOW (and

any value less than LOW) displays as black, the value HIGH

(and any value greater than HIGH) displays as white, and

values in between display as intermediate shades of

gray. IMSHOW uses the default number of gray levels. If you

use an empty matrix ([]) for [LOW HIGH], IMSHOW uses

[min(I(:)) max(I(:))]; the minimum value in I displays as

black, and the maximum value displays as white.

IMSHOW(BW) displays the binary image BW. Values of 0 display

as black, and values of 1 display as white.

IMSHOW(X,MAP) displays the indexed image X with the colormap


IMSHOW(RGB) displays the truecolor image RGB.

IMSHOW(...,DISPLAY_OPTION) displays the image, calling

TRUESIZE if DISPLAY_OPTION is 'truesize', or suppressing the

call to TRUESIZE if DISPLAY_OPTION is 'notruesize'. Either

option string can be abbreviated. If you do not supply this

argument, IMSHOW determines whether to call TRUESIZE based on

the setting of the 'ImshowTruesize' preference.

IMSHOW(x,y,A,...) uses the 2-element vectors x and y to

establish a nondefault spatial coordinate system, by

specifying the image XData and YData. Note that x and y can

have more than 2 elements, but only the first and last

elements are actually used.

IMSHOW(FILENAME) displays the image stored in the graphics

file FILENAME. IMSHOW calls IMREAD to read the image from the

file, but the image data is not stored in the MATLAB

workspace. The file must be in the current directory or on

the MATLAB path.

H = IMSHOW(...) returns the handle to the image object

created by IMSHOW.

Class Support


The input image can be of class logical, uint8, uint16,

or double, and it must be nonsparse.



You can use the IPTSETPREF function to set several toolbox

preferences that modify the behavior of IMSHOW:

- 'ImshowBorder' controls whether IMSHOW displays the image

with a border around it.

- 'ImshowAxesVisible' controls whether IMSHOW displays the

image with the axes box and tick labels.

- 'ImshowTruesize' controls whether IMSHOW calls the TRUESIZE


For more information about these preferences, see the

reference entry for IPTSETPREF.

See also imread, imview, iptgetpref, iptsetpref, subimage, truesize, warp, image, imagesc.

Reference page in Help browser

doc imshow
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