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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-03 12:12



热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 21:38


说起五环的来历,曾经有过这样一个有趣的故事。 1936年第11届柏林奥运会第一次举行火炬传递活动,火炬的传递路线自奥林匹亚开始,从希腊北部出境,沿多瑙河穿过奥地利,最后进入德国。为了烘托这一具有象征意义的活动,奥运会组委会*卡尔•迪姆及其同事几乎完全按照古奥运会的情景来布置沿途经过的古希腊遗址。火炬到达德尔菲帕那萨斯山的古代运动场时要举行一个特别仪式,这时,迪姆突发奇想,在一个高约3英尺的长方形石头的四面设计并刻上了现代奥林匹克运动的五环标志,放在了古运动场的起跑线一端。仪式结束后,火炬继续北上,而这块作为道具的石头却被留在了古运动场。







The world's most widely circulated to several Olympic rings logo, with the development of the Olympic movement, it has become a culture of the Olympic spirit and the image of representatives of the five ring "to" go, the Olympic movement to take root where flowering.

Speaking of the origins of rings, we have had such an interesting story. 1936 Berlin Olympic Games of the 11th the first time held the torch relay, the torch transmission line from Olympia, Greece from the north exit, along the Danube through Austria, the last to enter Germany. In order to heighten the symbolic significance of this activity, the Olympic Games Organizing Committee Chairman Carl • Dimu and his colleagues almost entirely in accordance with the ancient Olympic Games to the scene along the layout of the ancient Greek ruins. The torch arrived Deerfeimo SARS Hill, the ancient stadium at a special ceremony to be held and when that happens, Dimu whimsical turns, in about three feet of a high rectangular stones inscribed on all sides of the design and the modern Olympic movement rings signs, the ancient stadium on one end of the starting line. After the ceremony, the torch to the north, and the stones of this props were to remain in the ancient stadium.

Since very few people know this piece of stone engraved with the five ring logo (later known as "Dimu stone") the true identity and, thereafter, for a very long time, it was as a "3,000-year-old remains of the ancient Olympic Games" . Siechuane this mistake until the 1960s才被Delphi officials pointed out that the Greek. May 1972, the relics were sent to Delphi leave another place - at the entrance to ancient Rome.

In fact, the modern Olympic movement rings logo from the founder of the modern Olympic Games hands. Coubertin that the Olympic movement should have its own logo, the idea in his mind Panhuan a long time ago. In 1913, he finally conceptual design of the rings and white signs printed at the end of the five ring Olympic flag, the International Olympic Committee intends to set up in the 20th anniversary of the launch this logo.

June 15, 1914 ~ 23, the International Olympic Committee held in France Balisuobang College behalf of the General Assembly and celebrate the 20th anniversary of the founding of the IOC. In the commemoration meeting, Coubertin happily show signs of their own design rings and rings printed a banner to demonstrate, and recommended them as a sign the Olympic movement. After listening to the five ring logo on the Coubertin note, the meeting will determine the Olympic rings and the Olympic flag as the Olympic logo.

Olympic rings logo by the five Olympic ring from INTERLINKED from left to right, can be monochrome, and can also be blue, yellow, black, green and red five kinds of colors. The initial explanation is that five colors representing the color of the national flag, when it five different colors Circle interpreted as a symbol of the Cold War.

Olympic flag, 3 meters long and two meters wide, with the end of white, symbolizing purity. Blue, yellow, black, green and red rings, ring interlocking. 1914, to be held in Paris for the first time, the Olympic flag has been hoisted at the Olympic. 1920, the first time the Olympic flag fluttering in Antwerp Summer Games Stadium. This session after the Games, Belgium presented the International Olympic Committee IOC same side of the flag, hoisted ring the Olympic Games, after a custom, the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games host city for the last transmitted from the flag from the host city preservation, Competition During the hoisting of the main stadium only substitutes. 1952, the International Olympic Committee presented the Oslo City Winter Olympics flag, transfer, storage and use the same methods and the Summer Olympic Games.

June 1979, the International Olympic Committee formally announced the flag and the meaning of rings: According to the "Olympic Charter," and the five Olympic rings banner is the meaning of: symbol of the unity of the five continents and the world athletes in a fair, frank, The competition and friendly spirit of the Olympic Games meet.

Olympic flag

请问 奥运五环 的英文是什么

Olympic rings就可以了.最简单也是最广泛使用的英语名称


奥运五环的英文简介 What do the Olympic rings mean?The colours of the interlinked Olympic rings were chosen by the International Olympic Committee(IOC),to represent the union of the 5 continents,Australia,Africa,America,Asia and Europe and further signify the meeting of the worlds...


olympic pentacyclic ring


Blue 代表Europe (蓝代表欧洲)\r\nYellow 代表Asia (黄代表亚洲)\r\nBlack 代表Africa (黑代表非洲)\r\nGreen 代表Oceania (绿代表大洋州)\r\nRed 代表America (红代表美洲)\r\nThere are five rings on the Olympic flag, which are considered to symbolize, the five continents: ...


5、Red Passion: The Los Angeles Olympics 1932, 1984 红色激情:1932、1984年洛杉矶奥运会。奥林匹克标志 (Olympic Logo /Symbole Olympique/Olympic Rings)是由皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦先生于1913年构思设计的,是由《奥林匹克宪章》确定的,也被称为奥运五环标志,它是世界范围内最为人们广泛认知的奥林...


奥运五环(Olympic rings)代表的英文名如下:蓝色(blue)...Europe(欧洲)黄色(yellow)...Asia(亚洲)黑色(black)...Africa(非洲)绿色(green)...Australia and Oceania(大洋洲)红色(red)...America(美洲)希望能够帮到你~~


奥运五环 [名] the Olympic Rings;[例句]这是奥运五环首次在冬奥会的邮票上出现。It was the first time that the rings appeared on the stamps of the Winter Olympics.


图案,连锁的蓝 黄 黑 绿 红 五环,Patterns, Chain of the Blue Yellow Black Green and Red rings,象征意义5大洲会聚在奥运会.Symbolic 5 continents gathered in the Olympic Games.2008年来自世界各地的运动健儿将会会聚在北京,In 2008,The Athletes from all over the world will be gathered ...



奥运五环的含义英文 奥运环是奥运会的象征英语 奥运五环代表什么英文 奥运五环英文缩写 奥运五环英文 奥运五环英语怎么说 奥运五环英语怎么写 奥运五环分别代表什么英语 奥运五环黄环代表什么字母
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