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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-03 12:12



热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 21:30

Asean and China's bilateral trade advance by leaps and bounds, each became each other important trading partners. Financial crisis of china-asean free trade area has proced profound influence after crisis era, the china-asean free trade area both opportunities and challenges, both international trade environment improved, mutual resist trade protection, east Asia regional cooperation, strengthening projects also exist China "wei 'stalking' theory, both increased competition and trade such as increased risk factors. Because China and asean countries in the level of economic development, instrial structure of the similarities and differences, which led to the trade relations in the competitive and complementary to each other. This paper studies the bilateral trade in China and asean, analyzes the present situation of economic and trade cooperation and complementarity ?追问最后呢~怎么木有了……高手……

Asean and China's bilateral trade advance by leaps and bounds, each became each other important trading partners. Financial crisis of china-asean free trade area has proced profound influence after crisis era, the china-asean free trade area both opportunities and challenges, both international trade environment improved, mutual resist trade protection, east Asia regional cooperation, strengthening projects also exist China "wei 'stalking' theory, both increased competition and trade such as increased risk factors.
Because China and asean countries in the level of economic development, instrial structure of the similarities and differences, which led to the trade relations in the competitive and complementary to each other. This paper studies the China and asean bilateral trade status, analyzes the economic and trade cooperation and competitive in the causes of complementarity and the important influence of bilateral trade, and puts forward the future effects of and trend of development. Our country should seize the cooperation opportunity, optimize instrial structure, promote renminbi regionalization process, realize the win-win both sides.

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