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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 01:56



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 12:10

The Virtual Prototyping Technology is centered to the master model that is built by advanced CAD Technology and is extended to the different stages of proct lifecycle and is built to digital simulation model that is consistented with physical prototype and is doing for assessment test and is filtered, changed and optimized through different parameters of the model and the design is converted to the correct number of prototypes,then it is a technology that is carried out a multi-disciplinary analysis of dynamics by used Digital Mock.The Virtual Prototyping Technology is related to the advanced CAD Technology and Virtual Reality Technology,Computer Aided Engineering,Visualization by many areas.This paper describes the how to build to The Virtual Prototyping Technology and about some parts of analysis, simulation.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 12:11

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热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 12:11

Virtual Prototyping Technology (Virtual Prototyping Technology) advanced CAD technology is established as the center of the main model to be extended to the proct life cycle at different stages of the establishment is consistent with the physical prototype of the digital simulation model and the model to assess the testing different parameters of the model through the filter, change and optimize the design ideas into the correct number of prototypes, and then use the number of prototype multi-disciplinary analysis of dynamics of a technology. Virtual prototyping technology related to advanced CAD modeling technology, virtual reality technology, computer-aided engineering and visualization and other fields. This paper describes the establishment of virtual prototyping and its impact on some parts of the analysis, simulation.
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