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关于WHITE LIE的英语故事

发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-26 21:59



热心网友 时间:2024-07-26 20:55

搞笑版White Lie

What did famed con artist Arthur Ferguson once "lease" to a wealthy cattle rancher for 99 years at $100,000 a year? The White House. Ferguson fled after collecting the first year's rent but was soon apprehended - while trying to sell the Statue of Liberty to a gullible Australian!

Russell Crowe (罗素-克洛) once appeared as a guest on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" wearing a peculiar white shirt:
"Now, you told me there was a story about this shirt," Leno remarked.

"Well, yeah," Crowe replied. "Whenever I realize that I'm about to be photographed, you know, wherever I am, I go and change into this shirt. Now this shirt has been photographed in seven different cities across three continents."

The method behind the madness? "It's kinda like whatever the tabloids might say I'm doin'," Crowe explained, "I figure if I'm wearing the same clothes, some people won't believe it..."

David Niven (英国演员) once visited the London boat show with a beautiful girl many years his junior:
"Suddenly this hideous couple hove into view," Niven recalled, "a foul old creature with a crone of a wife. To my horror, the man came over and introduced himself.

"'Good heavens, Niven,' he said, 'I haven't seen you since you were at school.' When they'd gone, I could sense that the girl was looking at me warily. 'Were you really at school with him?' she asked. 'Absolutely,' I told her. 'He was the music master.'"
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