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求一篇以'有些事情是成熟的开端'为主题的英语作文 500字左右 不要goo...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-30 17:14



热心网友 时间:2024-04-27 17:39

With Every End There is also a Beginning

Graham Greene says "A story has no beginning or end: arbitrarily one chooses that moment of experience from which to look back or from which to look ahead."

Life is also a well planed story to witness the most exciting and stirring moment of our life, whereas it has no choice but to encounter boring and painful one as well. No doubt, life is not always plentiful as we expect, whereby there are many twists and turns just coming along our life. Sometimes we just want to stay at our comfort zone and never ever wake up from our fantasy dream.

Fortunately our physical pains and mental tortures make us stay clear. We should appreciate the existence of these pains coming into our life as they constantly remind us of who we are and where we are. In the adventure of our life, we have to admit the fact that nobody is perfect. Our life hence shows us the beautiful life curvature, ups and downs, as integrated with smiles and frowns in all of our life time.

This is our vivid life. We need to appreciate the reality of life because it just strengthens our spirit and solidifies our faith. As a consequence, we will feel more confident and more efficiently capable of handling the future potential difficulties.

The end of our previous life is just another great opportunity to let us embrace the new beginning of our current one. No matter how bad the past end is, we still ought to take our special appreciation for this precious invaluable experience, since it does make us mature. In fact, the bad end acts as if a flaming torch lights up around the dark environment and shows us the proceeding path of our future life.

Past has already become our history and today is going to be the new history of our future past.

Even if we were wrong yesterday, we can get it right today. Every day is a new day and every morning is a new beginning of new day. As Graham said, there is no beginning nor end of our life, what can we really lose from our previous bad luck?
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