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发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-30 15:54



热心网友 时间:2024-08-04 18:07

For a crazy Harry Potter lover like me,the years betneen the publishing(出版) of the last two books were long and boring. It was hand to 1. the time without Harry.The expectations.Of fans were 2. for "Harry Potter and Half-blood Prine"(哈利波特和混血王子) 3. J.K.Rowling death of the kind and wise headmater,Professer Dumbleder.
I read my frist Harry Potter book when I was in Grade 5 in primary school.I fall in love the story 5. I raed all four of the books 6. had been published at the time. I often went to Harry Potter fan sites and the official website. It was really great to surf there. I 7. like the official. Website 8. you feel like a member of the magical world.
After all the supense(悬念) of Harry Potter the bth, I'm 9. about the next book. This next one will be the last Harry Potter book. I wonder 10. J.K.Bowling will bring us!

( )1.A. spend B. pass C. use D. waste
( )2.A. high B. large C. deep D. tall
( )3.A. supristingly B. Hopefully C. Easily D. Luckily
( )4.A. interesting B. exotic C. tragic D. annoying
( )5.A. once again B. at once C. even more D. long ago
( )6.A. they B. who C. which D. where
( )7.A. strongly B. especially C. generally D.hardil
( )8.A. though B. while C.because D.if
( )9.A. worried B. satisfied C. scared D. excited
( )10.A. which B. whichever C.what D.whatever

( A)1.A. spend B. pass C. use D. waste
(B )2.A. high B. large C. deep D. tall
( B)3.A. supristingly B. Hopefully C. Easily D. Luckily
(D )4.A. interesting B. exotic C. tragic D. annoying
( B)5.A. once again B. at once C. even more D. long ago
(C )6.A. they B. who C. which D. where
(B )7.A. strongly B. especially C. generally D.hardil
( C)8.A. though B. while C.because D.if
( D)9.A. worried B. satisfied C. scared D. excited
( C)10.A. which B. whichever C.what D.whatever

热心网友 时间:2024-08-04 18:09

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