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Munchausen By Proxy (f&Zooey Deschanel & Von Iva)的《Uh-Huh》 歌 ...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-30 05:44



热心网友 时间:2024-06-24 06:43

歌手:Munchausen By Proxy (f&Zooey Deschanel & Von Iva)
专辑:yes man soundtrack

Munchausen By Proxy f/ Zooey Deschanel & Von Iva - Uh-Huh
I should have been the one to break up with you
You said, Who are you? Who are you?
I wanna snap your neck and spit on you.
You said, Who are you? Who are you?
If I got a call and said you were dead
You said, Who are you? Who are you?
I'd shrug my shoulders and I say what-ev
You said, Who are you? Who are you?
Hey have we met before? Oh yeah I think we have
Because we only dated for four and a half years
No big deal, I've only witnessed you sitting on the couch
Watching Next in your undies,
But its cool that you act like you have no idea who I am.
I saw you a my records last night
You said, Who are you? Who are you?
You straighten your hair and had a henna tatto
You said, Who are you? Who are you?
I wanna shove your face just shove it.
You said, Who are you? Who are you?
My mother thinks youre in the closet
You said, Who are you? Who are you?
Its so weird because when we used to go out you never even liked the TJ wantons
And now we have to drive all the way to marvista or some stupid place and eat
Some stupid butter-nut squash raviolli or something becuase you took the last bag like some
immature little clown.
I saw you thursday at the arclect
You said, Who are you? Who are you?
I was on a date you ruined my night
You said, Who are you? Who are you?
I saw you shopping at the trader just
You said, Who are you? Who are you?
I see you everywhere it really blows.
You said, Who are you? Who are you?
Hey, did you ever meet my friend Ian?
He's a coumputer hacker.
He helped me erase your Myspace page,
And your band's Myspace page,
And your Facebook page.
Happy networking asshole.
So rememebr all the stuff you forgot
You said, Who are you? Who are you?
After you just bought.
You said, Who are you? Who are you?
I'd like to see the look on your greasy face.
You said, Who are you? Who are you?
And so for sixteen hundy on audi base?
He said, I know you. I know you.

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