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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 19:15



热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 23:24

you think you are in love , you are really attracted to a certain person, but it is happened before, it was just a "crush", hou can you tell, if it is real this time.
I think, if you in love, you will find yourself talking to or telephoning the person for no reason
you will find yourself bring this person to every conversation.
you might suddenly be interested in things that you used to avoid.
ok , so you have in love ,but fallong love is one thing ,and staying love is anothing, how can you tell, as time passes, that you are still in love? if you stay in love, you might not talk as much about the person you are in love with, you might not call him or her so often, but this person will nevertheless become more and more important in you life.
you will find that you can be yourself with this person, when you first fell in love, you were probably afraid to admit certain thing about yourself, but now you can be totallly honesty, you can trust him or her to accept you just as you are, falling love is great, and staying love is even better.

you think you are in love , you are really attracted to a certain person, but it is happened before, it was just a "crush", hou can you tell, if it is real this time.I think, if you in love, you will find yourself talking to or telephoning the person for no reason...

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