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求becky from block歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-22 05:39



热心网友 时间:2024-03-22 10:56

Children growing,
Woman producing,
Men going to work
And some do stealing,
Everyone's gotta make a living


I won't stop till I get to the top
I'm so, I'm so Becky from the block
Always had a little, but I want a lot
No matter where I go I know where I came from

I won't stop till I get to the top
I'm so, I'm so Becky from the block
Always had a little, but I want a lot
No matter where I go I know where I came from

[Verse 1:]
Yo, first grade, Oak street elementary
A few blocks from the Inglewood cemetery
I lived through hard times, according to my memory
Then I learned to rhyme like I'm reading up the dictionary
I still walk to the Kelso Market
Even though I get to walk them red carpets
My family lived in my grandpa's garage
So I started working just to help out my pops
It all started when my grandpa crossed over
Now one day I'm a be a crossover
Right now it's just who is that girl?
But one day I'm a be all around the world
I still get grounded, always stay grounded
Still do chores even when I'm on tour
One thing's for sure, I'm a always be me
That west side Becky, Becky, Becky G

I won't stop till I get to the top
I'm so, I'm so Becky from the block
Always had a little, but I want a lot
No matter where I go I know where I came from

I won't stop till I get to the top
I'm so, I'm so Becky from the block
Always had a little, but I want a lot
No matter where I go I know where I came from

[Verse 2:]
Yo, what you know about that In-N-Out life?
And what you know about that 4×5 drive?
My life is changing quickly right before my eyes
It hits me every time that I'm on Hollywood and Vine
If you wanna date me, you gotta ask my Daddy
And my 30 uncles, you can meet them in an alley!
And one day I'm a bring home a Grammy
But no matter what I'll be bringing home Randy's
Donuts, so what? Holla when you see me
I'm still the same B, even when I'm on TV
Still rocking J's with my diamonds and pearls
You can take me out the hood, but not the hood out of the girl
Yes I love sushi, love my calamari
But ain't no better chef than my very own mommy
If you can't catch me roaming in my barrio
I'm with my litas praying the Rosario
Inglewood, Inglewood, Inglewood

I won't stop till I get to the top
I'm so, I'm so Becky from the block
Always had a little, but I want a lot
No matter where I go I know where I came from

I won't stop till I get to the top
I'm so, I'm so Becky from the block
Always had a little, but I want a lot
No matter where I go I know where I came from

I won't stop till I get to the top
I'm so, I'm so Becky from the block
Always had a little, but I want a lot
No matter where I go I know where I came from

I won't stop till I get to the top
I'm so, I'm so Becky from the block
Always had a little, but I want a lot
No matter where I go I know where I came from

Inglewood, Cali girl for life
Shout outs, to Jennifer Lopez
Latinos stand up
West Side
Yea, Yea
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