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发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-21 20:38



热心网友 时间:2024-08-10 18:33

China to launch second lunar probe in 2010

China will launch its second lunar probe, Chang’e-2 (“嫦娥二号”卫星), in October 2010. This second lunar orbiter will carry different payloads and orbit the moon in a different way.
“It will orbit 100 kilometres closer to the moon and be equipped with better technology. We expect to gain more scientific data about the moon with increased accuracy,” an official said.
Though Chang’e-2 was at one time the backup to China’s first lunar probe, Chang’e-1 (“嫦娥一号”卫星), it has gone through technical upgrades for its new mission. Equipment on board has been improved, and the vehicle now boasts a camera which has a much higher resolution than that on Chang’e-1.
Together with Chang’e-2, Chang’e-3 (“嫦娥三号”卫星) is part of the second phase of China’s lunar exploration program. Tests will be carried out during Chang’e-2’s mission to prepare for the lunar-lander and rover, which are part of the Chang’e-3’s mission. Chang’e-3 is well on the way toward liftoff, and is set to launch before 2013. The landing site on the moon for Chang’e-3 has also been chosen.
The mission will help China study the material composition of the moon and search for usable resources.
New chapter in China's aerospace cause

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao asserted in a passionate and inspiring speech on Monday that China has joined the select group of world powers with the capabilities to engage in deep-space exploration.

After unveiling the first picture of the moon surface taken by Chang'e I, China's first lunar probe, Wen said that the dream of the Chinese people for more than 1,000 years of flying to the Moon had begun to materialize.

Wen said that lunar probe was the third milestone in China's space exploration following the successes of man-made satellites and manned space flights.

The success, he said not only manifested China's rising national strength and technical innovation capability but also elevated the country's international status and cemented national cohesion.

"It showcases eloquently that the Chinese people have the will, the ambition and the capability to compose more shining new chapters while ascending the science and technology summit," he said.

Citing a letter from an overseas Chinese, Wen said that the farther the China-made satellite flew, the higher would the overseas Chinese hold their heads.

Chang'e I, named after a mythical Chinese goddess who according to legend flew to the moon, blasted off on a Long March 3A carrier rocket on October 24 shortly after Japan launched its first lunar probe, Kaguya, in mid-September.

The first high-definition image of the Earth rising was taken by Kaguya on October 14. With India and the Republic of Korea planning to send their own lunar probes into space, concerns of a space race in Asia have arisen.

Looking to the future of China's three-step moon exploration, which will lead to a moon landing and the launch of a moon rover around 2012 and the taking-back of lunar soil and stone samples for scientific research around 2017, Wen said that the initial success had "blazed a new trail and accumulated valuable experience" for China to improve its overall capability in science and technology.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-10 18:32

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao asserted in a passionate and inspiring speech on Monday that China has joined the select group of world powers with the capabilities to engage in deep-space exploration.

After unveiling the first picture of the moon surface taken by Chang'e I, China's first lunar probe, Wen said that the dream of the Chinese people for more than 1,000 years of flying to the Moon had begun to materialize.

Wen said that lunar probe was the third milestone in China's space exploration following the successes of man-made satellites and manned space flights.

The success, he said not only manifested China's rising national strength and technical innovation capability but also elevated the country's international status and cemented national cohesion.

"It showcases eloquently that the Chinese people have the will, the ambition and the capability to compose more shining new chapters while ascending the science and technology summit," he said.

Citing a letter from an overseas Chinese, Wen said that the farther the China-made satellite flew, the higher would the overseas Chinese hold their heads.

Chang'e I, named after a mythical Chinese goddess who according to legend flew to the moon, blasted off on a Long March 3A carrier rocket on October 24 shortly after Japan launched its first lunar probe, Kaguya, in mid-September.

The first high-definition image of the Earth rising was taken by Kaguya on October 14. With India and the Republic of Korea planning to send their own lunar probes into space, concerns of a space race in Asia have arisen.

Looking to the future of China's three-step moon exploration, which will lead to a moon landing and the launch of a moon rover around 2012 and the taking-back of lunar soil and stone samples for scientific research around 2017, Wen said that the initial success had "blazed a new trail and accumulated valuable experience" for China to improve its overall capability in science and technology.

Though Chang’e-2 was at one time the backup to China’s first lunar probe, Chang’e-1 (“嫦娥一号”卫星), it has gone through technical upgrades for its new mission. Equipment on board has been improved, and the vehicle now boasts a camera which has a much higher resolutio...




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