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新概念英语同步测试卷Book1答案 Test14

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 17:28



热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 20:33

Key Structures A a 1 I enjoyed the film yesterday. 2 My mother went to market. 3 (This morning) the children asked questions continuously in class. 4 (On Sundays) we stay at home. 5 (This morning) I borrowed a book from the library. b 1 She rarely... 2 The shops always... 3 We never... 4 We sometimes... 5 Do you ever...(后面直接照抄) B a are playing...play...is kicking...is running b died...left...spent...bought...went...stayed...listened...lent...kept...lost c I have just received...He has been there...he has already visited...He has just bought...and has gone d 1 ...did...buy... 2 ...hasnever lent... 3 Have you burnt... 4 ...fought... 5 ...have just won... e 1 was leaving/left...arrived 2 was working/worked...was sitting/sat 3 was walking/walked...met 4 was reading...heard 5dropped f略 g 1 shall be ironing 2 will be arriving 3 We'll be seeing 4 shall be watching 5 will be correcting h 1 After... 2 After... 3 When... 4 ...him until he... 5 As soon as... i ...was built...became/had become...died...was built...were called...was begun...(was)completed...cost...has beenvisited... j 1 told...would come/would be coming 2 said...(had) cut 3 told...had never played 4 did he say...had done/would do 5 did he tell...(had) bought/would buy k 1 rains 2 will never pass 3 is 4 will get 5 enjoys l Fashing...catching...catching...havingspent...fishing...fishing...sitting...doing C a 1 You must/will have to see a doctor. 2 Must you/Do you have to make so much noise? 3 she said we must/would have to/had to stay here. 4 I must/have to some help. 5 He had to go out last night. b 1 He must be a fool. 2 He must be mad. 3 She must be over forty. c 1 Can/May I use your telephone? 2 He may telephone tomorrow. 3 Can/May I have two tickets please? 4 The play may have begun already. 5 Can/May I leave the table please? D a略 b ...a...\...a...a...a...the...\...a...the...the...a...a...\...the...a...a...a... E 1 the most unusual 2 better...than 3 more interesting than 4 the laziest 5 worse than F 1 in 2 On 3 ring/in 4 at 5 on...in 6 in 7 at...in G 1 in 2 from 3 on 4 of 5 in 6 of Special difficulties a 1 By the way 2 borrowed 3 ask 4 grown 5 Besides 6 its 7 yet 8 desk 9 It is 10 home b 1 at 2 up 3 on 4 out...back 5 out c 1 Who knocked this vase over? 3 Put ypur jacket on 5 The thieves woke the night watchman up d 1 ...the men to fire at the enemy. 2 ...his wife to wear this dress. 3 ...us to explain it. 4 ...allow him to enter the room. 5 ...her son to read. e 1 She made me this dress. 2 I lent him my typewriter. 3 I showed George the letter. 4 Pass your mother that cup. 5 Johnny gave his sister the doll. 这可是我一个字母一个字母打上来的,一定要采纳啊!
新概念英语一册同步测试卷答案 test14 就是 79~84课的 谢谢了 要快...

第一大题:ready suitcase holiday breakfast roast restaurant chemist stationery first vegetable。第二大题:a b a c a a b c c b 第三大题:1.went 2.go come 3.do 4.has had 5.tomatoes 6.has been away 7.go 8.have taken rlace ...

新概念英语一册同步测试卷答案 test14 就是 79~84课的 谢谢了 要快...

http://book.kaoyantj.com/kaoyanbook_jieshao.asp?kybook_id=7752UW45%5C215*d05505/622190 新概念英语》同步测试卷 test1 《新概念英语》同步测试卷 test2 《新概念英语》同步测试卷 test3 《新概念英语》同步测试卷 test4 《新概念英语》同步测试卷 test5 《新概念英语》同步测试卷 test6 《新...


I.1.t,t 2.a 3.a 4.i 5.a 6.m 7.i 8.u n9.r 10.n 11.u 12.r 13.e 14.u 15.i 16.w 17.w 18.t 19.i 20.u II.略 III.1.sharpening 2.answered 3.questions 4.attendant 5.garage 6.repair 7.bought 8.saw 9....

《新概念英语》同步测试卷(第一册)Test 15参考答案,+100!急!

1.cinema 2.beautiful 3.never 4.film 5.attendant 6.bring 7.garage 8.crash 9.repair 10.believe 11.since 12.sell 13.because 14.retire 15.cost 16.worth 17.penny 18.pound 19.may 20.Paris 二.1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.C 6...

新概念英语一同步测试卷 book test7、8答案【新版】

test7 一.1.a 2.a 3.i 4.i 5.or 6.i 7.i 8.o 9.a 10.ow 11.o 12.ee 13.ea 14.oa 15.oo 16.u 17.ee 18.oao 19.ir 20.e 二.1.A 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.B 三.1.are doing 2.Which 3.What colour 4.for 5.Put 6.do going to...


回答:看我的真是苦了你了啊。孩子。大热天还要去上课最重要还有卷子呢。看看我的昂。我有。 先看看题是不是啊。一、填入下列单词中所缺的字母。(10分)1.w_lcome. 2.cr_ _d是吧? 好了。开始写答案了啊、————————————————————————————————————...

新概念英语同步测试卷5 Book2Test5(Lesson17~20)的答案?

is her son6 T 7 F he might have telephoned me last night.8 F i haven't seen him for three years.9 F i prefer staying at home to going fishing.10T六actress had happenedcollecti,7,新概念英语同步测试卷5 Book2Test5(Lesson17~20)的答案 最后一题单招首字母的提示完成文章 ...


新概念英语教师用书目录 总体介绍 开始我们的学习旅程,教师用书提供了详尽的辅助资源。首先,是Pre-unit Test 1的关键解析:单元一:探索人类历史的起源 – Lesson 1 Finding fossil man,带领学生走进古人类的世界。面对蜘蛛的决策 – Lesson 2 Spare that spider, 培养他们的观察与理解能力。讲述高山...


第124课的答案如下: A部分答案 1.She is the woman I drove to London. 2.That's the film I saw. 3.That's the man I spoke to. 4.They are the thieves the police caught. 5.These are the letters I typed. 6.These are the people you asked me about. B部分答案如下: 1.Which man?

求 新概念英语第三册 所有PRE-UNIT TEST的答案

51. cbdb caaa abaa 52. acdb cdba cdad 53. cdcb acaa cabb 54. bdac cacd bbbc 55. bcab caac acba 56. bacc dcbc adca 57. ddba cbcd accb 58. cbda aaca bbdd 59. adad bddb badb 60. bbdb bcac cbac TEST 2:a. going, seemed, had (no sooner) gone, rang, was...

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