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急求一篇我的理想老公(my ideal husband )的英语作文..最好可以长一些..!!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 21:01



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 14:56

I would like to find a husband whom I really love and who really loves me for life. I will search the whole world for the exact match. To be specific, I want to be loved by a man whose character I admire. More importantly, his attitudes towards life must resonate with mine so that we understand and appreciate each other. We should be temperamentally compatible and the love between us should be based on spiritual understanding.

The so-called “social star” may not suit me, for I basically don’t like people who have an instinct for publicity. I would like my husband to be contemplative. He should not be too introverted, nor should he be talkative. Someone said, “Man should think more, do much and talk less.” I would prefer him to be a man of thoughts. In addition, he must have other good qualities. First of all, I would like him to be a well-ecated man with an objective to observe. Thus he will have an insight into things and people and can judge independently and wisely. I will enjoy living and talking with a husband who has his own ideas. A man usually attracts me not by his looks, but by his mind. Also, he must be considerate and sensitive so that he can perceive my real feelings.

I hope my husband will be a moral man. He should reject the vices of life like I do. However, I don’t want him to be rigid. He should be wise enough to cope with things around him. He should also be humorous so we will have a lot of fun together. I don’t want to live with a ll man. Besides, I hope he is kind and affectionate to children. He should also be responsible and reliable. When I am extremely frustrated, he should be the shoulder to cry on. All these constitute the characteristics of my ideal husband.

I’ve known about couples’ lives through books and movies; sometimes I dream about my own life in the future. I think one must live with someone who shares the same dream in life. If a woman wants to lead a stable life without many changes, she may not be happy marrying a man who enjoys seeking after challenges. My husband should have a zest for life. He shouldn’t focus only on his work. Instead, he must be able to find joy in the simpliest things in life. I believe a happy life is not at all decided by the living condition. The way we look at it matters greatly.

Besides striving for a better living, we should both have healthy hobbies and enjoy leisure time with our own friends; as long as we spend enough time together. I would like him to have several good friends with excellent personalities. Our family should be his first priority. I’ll be glad if he is willing to share the household ties. I hope sometimes we can tour ring holidays to see the outside world. Furthermore, I also hope he will have some taste in the arts. He doesn’t need to be a virtuoso, but at least he shouldn’t be ignorant in the arts.

The most important thing I ask for is the mutual understanding and admiration between us. I hope we love each other not only physically but also spiritually. We may communicate well with each other with just the expressions in our eyes or several simple words. Our souls must combine to be one and our minds connect.

Maybe my standards are a little higher than most. I would like to receive the deep love from my future husband, just as Elizabeth Browning received from her husband. I love the following verses by her: “If thou must love me/ let it be for naught/ except for love’s sake only.” I hope my future husband will have also read this.
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