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翻译 翻译的好追100

发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-28 12:24



热心网友 时间:2024-03-28 15:44

I start paying attention to you in 2006, the ADRIANO makes me start to be interested in to him in the outstanding performance of American cup that year.Also make my ball to his place folio start concern.afterwards I discover you are a great ball team, long history and deep culture is I can become your a members to feel honor.
Last match quarter, your performances are very good, but because of***and***of the lane forges falsely, you acquire in the third place. the rule is fair, insincerity get the person is subjected to punishment, this match quarter you create history, hope you connect win of the footstep doesn't want to stop, I will be you but madness, forever and you together at.

热心网友 时间:2024-03-28 15:44

I begin to show solicitude for you on 2006 , that fineness on Cup America shows that annual ADRIANO makes me begin to be interested in to him. Also use me that I discover you to his location ball to beginning to show solicitude for an afterwards is great one team , age-old history and deep culture are that I can become one of you feeling that the behaviour having been honoured Saiji , your is very good, but because of deception * * * and * * *, that you gain third regulation only is impartial , is not so honest that person has accepted punishment, you have created this Saiji history, hope that you do not stop including superb step, I will be you but frenzied, coexist with you forever

热心网友 时间:2024-03-28 15:44

I began to pay attention to you in 2006. ADRIANO year's excellent performance in the Americas Cup and I have begun to show an interest in him. I also began to pay attention to his ball. Later, I found that you are a great team. A long history and profound culture is you can become a member, I am honored. On the season, you have done a good job, but because of fraud *** *** and you have only a third. Rules are unfair, dishonest people have been punished, you create history this season. I hope you will not stop the pace of consecutive victories, I would rather you crazy, and always with you.
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