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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 03:03



热心网友 时间:2023-08-13 13:21


热心网友 时间:2023-08-13 13:21

ought to用法
肯定式:主语+ought to do sth.
否定式:主语+ought not to(oughtn't to)do sth.
疑问式:ought+主语+to do sth.
ought to表示"应该"(与should同义,只是语气稍重一些),无人称与时态变化.
should表示劝告,建议,命令,其同义词是ought to.疑问句中,通常用should代替ought to.

热心网友 时间:2023-08-13 13:22

The air pollution index in Beijing on Jan uary 12 this year is keeping a level over 700,and the PM2.5 concentration is ten times as high as which is regarded as st andard.It's is an extreme pollution,whic h makes a very bad situation.To protect the environment and keep the air fresh i s really important.Instead of coming up with the means that everybody knows li ke Energy conservation and emission re ction,here I'm appealing to teenagers all over the country that they should cut down the amount of firecrackers that th ey set off ring the Spring Festival.Pow der contains sulphu carbon and nitre,th ey will proce kinds of gas causing pol lution.For example nitire can turn into ni tric oxide,nitrogen dioxide,nitric anhydri de and when carbon is buring without e nough oxygen,carbon monoxide will co me into being or if the oxygen is enough carbon dioxide,the well-known green ho use gas will be proced.Besides PM10 and TSP are also caused by firecrackers setting,which are harmful to people.If w e succeed to pursuade parents into cut down the amount of firecrackers into a half,the budget would be cutted down a s well as the pollution.If the teenagers al l over the country all follow my advice,it would be a huge amount ! We are listeni ng to our parents' story that in their you ng age they happily went to school with their bags as well as the rising sun ,the warm spring breeze ,willow's green sho otsand and birds soaring in the deep blu e sky.After school,if they are back a little late ,sometimes there would be a red su nset in the west sky.What a fantasy sce nery! Every would like to live in a environ ment like this! For the living things on the earth,for ove r people's future, let's take quickly actio n.For the honor of a Young Pioneer ,here I'm calling for the teenagers in our coun try: save recourses,set less firecrackers, rece pollution and let's fight for a bett er environment!

热心网友 时间:2023-08-13 13:22

The air pollution index in Beijing on January 12 this year is keeping a level over 700,and the PM2.5 concentration is ten times as high as which is regarded as standard.It's is an extreme pollution,which makes a very bad situation.To protect the environment and keep the air fresh is really important.Instead of coming up with the means that everybody knows like Energy conservation and emission rection,here I'm appealing to teenagers all over the country that they should cut down the amount of firecrackers that they set off ring the Spring Festival.Powder contains sulphu carbon and nitre,they will proce kinds of gas causing pollution.For example nitire can turn into nitric oxide,nitrogen dioxide,nitric anhydride and when carbon is buring without enough oxygen,carbon monoxide will come into being or if the oxygen is enough carbon dioxide,the well-known green house gas will be proced.Besides PM10 and TSP are also caused by firecrackers setting,which are harmful to people.If we succeed to pursuade parents into cut down the amount of firecrackers into a half,the budget would be cutted down as well as the pollution.If the teenagers all over the country all follow my advice,it would be a huge amount ! We are listening to our parents' story that in their young age they happily went to school with their bags as well as the rising sun ,the warm spring breeze ,willow's green shootsand and birds soaring in the deep blue sky.After school,if they are back a little late ,sometimes there would be a red sunset in the west sky.What a fantasy scenery! Every would like to live in a environment like this!
For the living things on the earth,for over people's future, let's take quickly action.For the honor of a Young Pioneer ,here I'm calling for the teenagers in our country: save recourses,set less firecrackers,rece pollution and let's fight for a better environment!

热心网友 时间:2023-08-13 13:23

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