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How can you mix oil with water?

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-08 07:39



热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 09:16

The method is : Add an emulsing agent (i.e. detergents including soap) to the mixture
and shake the mixture. When a mixture of water
oil and detergent are shaken
the oil separates into many *** all drops. The detergent makes the oil cannot e together
and the mixture bees one layer. The above process is a physical change. Oil and water are still oil and water after emulsion. We CANNOT say that 《it is not oil anymore》.
参考: F5 Chemistry notes
You can mix oil with water with the following emulsification procere
this is a kind of chemical reaction. Emulsification is the procere to mix o immicible liquids in the form of colloid. Oil and water are immicible
because water is a polar pound but oil is a non-polar pound. When we mix oil with water
they will separate out from each other with the lower density one on top and the higher density one at bottom. (So
oil will be on top and water will be at bottom.) If ethanol is added
ethanol can change the situation. It is because ethanol has the non-polar hydroxyl group. It is micible with water. Also
it has the aliphatic group
that is fat-soluble. Then
ethanol serves as the agent pulling water molecules and oil molecules together. When the mixture is shaked vigorously
the oil will be broken down into micelles. On the surface of each micelle is a layer of ethanol molecules with their hydroprobic aliphatic chain embedding in the oil micelle
but the hydrophilic hydroxyl group facing out and link with water. Then
each micelle is covered with a layer of electric charge
and the micelles would bee suspending in the mass of water. This temporary equilibrium forms an unstable colloidal suspension
called a emulsion. The following link explain the process with pictures in a very easy understand way: newscientist/article.ns?id=dn3408
参考: 2edcity/sch_files/a/phc/phc-ltp/public_/e_bcdxd & newscientist/article.ns?id=dn3408
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