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求LL COOL J的一首叫I need love 的歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-07 16:37



热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 00:33

分类: 音乐

LL COOL J的一首叫I need love 的歌词:

When I'm alone in my room sometimes I stare at the wall

and in the back of my mind I hear my conscience call

Telling me I need a girl who's as sweet as a dove

for the first time in my life, I see I need love

There I was giggling about the games

that I had played with many hearts, and I'm not saying no names

Then the thought occured, tear drops made my eyes burn

as I said to myself look what you've done to her

I can feel it inside, I can't explain how it feels

all I know is that I'll never dish another raw deal

Playing make believe pretending that I'm true

holding in my laugh as I say that I love you

Saying amor kissing you on the ear

whispering I love you and I'll always be here

Although I often reminsce I can't believe that I found

a desire for true love floating around

Inside my soul because my soul is cold

one half of me deserves to be this way till I'm old

But the other half needs affection and joy

and the warmth that is created by a girl and a boy

I need love

I need love

Romance sheer delight how sweet

I gotta find me a girl to make my life plete

You can scratch my back, we'll get cozy and huddle

I'll lay down my jacket so you can walk over a puddle

I'll give you a rose, pull out your chair before we eat

kiss you on the cheek and say ooh girl you're so sweet

It's deja vu whenever I'm with you

I could go on forever telling you what I do

But where you at you're neither here or there

I swear I can't find you anywhere

Damn sure you ain't in my closet, or under my rug

this love search is really making me bug

And if you know who you are why don't you make yourself seen

take the chance with my love and you'll find out what I mean

Fantasy's can run but they can't hide

and when I find you I'm gon' pour all my love inside

I need love

I need love

I wanna kiss you hold you never scold you just love you

suck on you neck, caress you and rub you

Grind moan and never be alone

if you're not standing next to me you're on the phone

Can't you hear it in my voice, I need love bad

I've got money but love's something I've never had

I need your ruby red lips sweet face and all

I love you more than a man who's 10 feet tall

I'd watch the sunrise in your eyes

we're so in love when we hug we bee paralyzed

Our bodies explode in ecstasy unreal

you're as soft as a pillow and I'm as hard as steel

It's like a dream land, I can't lie I never been there

maybe this is an experience that me and you can share

Clean and unsoiled yet sweaty and wet

I swear to you this is something that I'll never fet

I need love

I need love

See what I mean I've changed I'm no longer

a play boy on the run I need something that's stronger

Friendship, trust honor respect admiration

this whole experience has been such a revelation

It's taught me love and how to be a real man

to always be considerate and do all I can

Protect you you're my lady and you mean so much

my body tingles all over from the slightest touch

Of your hand and understand I'll be frozen in time

till we meet face to face and you tell me you're mine

If I find you girl I swear I'll be a good man

I'm not gonna leave it in destiny's hands

I can't sit and wait for my princess to arrive

I gotta struggle and fight to keep my dream alive

I'll search the whole world for that special girl

when I finally find you watch our love unfurl

I need love

I need love

Girl, listen to me

When I be sittin in my room all alone, staring at the wall

fantasies, they go through my mind

And I've e to realize that I need true love

and if you wanna give it to me girl make yourself seen

I'll be waiting

I love you
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