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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-05 18:08



热心网友 时间:2024-11-12 04:18

First of all, the figure is defined as a lot of scholars to discuss the topic. If the "number of the human mind is developed to a certain stage, to meet the needs of social proction activities, with the help of symbols generated." (Kim Ji-Su, 1991) "is the number of Linguistics in a special area. Science in the digital world , Its function is calculated, strict order, and clearly functional, is a real number; in the digital world of the human soul, it is a function of the justice table, many of the figures after the "deification" after a "mysterious" and "imaginary" , "The number of days." They have a very extensive and rich connotation. "(Wang Bingqin, 1998)
Because of the East-West cultural traditions, religious beliefs and worship of language, geography and environmental impact, there is a deification of the number of differences between East and West, but there are also common, share a common patterns. "The number of soul-worship" of all ethnic groups are common. Asians have their own mind, "the number of days", while the West has its own mind, "the number of God." The mysterious figure after the general evolution of the "deification - generalization - false". (Wang Bingqin, 1998)
East and West, many related to the number of scientific papers and monographs, such as Pythagoras (Pythagoras) School of Danzig T • "several scientific language" (Commercial Press, 1998), the British Lun Lade • Farah's "Origin of the seven"; many domestic scholars on the number of books and papers written and carried out academic research. For example, Professor Wang Bingqin in his "On Language and Translation of the new" Medium length text open on the sixth chapter of "semantics of the scope of the comparison with the translation" for the topic; Kim Ji-Su wrote, "several of the cult-Ling" (containing <language, social , Culture, "440, the language publishing house, 1991,1). Nanchang University in 1998's "The comparative study of English and Chinese China will be the second and third annual session of the symposium," Chinese cultural comparison of professional members of the Committee on Central South University of Foreign Language School teacher Wu Ling-British "in Chinese and Western Literature" Three for the "cultural model" engaged in a fierce debate.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-12 04:19

First of all, the definition of figure is being the hot topic by many scholars. For example: Scholar Su Jin defines figure as "figure is generated, with the help of symbol, for the needs of social proctive activities when the mind of human has developed to a certain degree."(Su,1991) Figure is a special sector in the linguistics. in the scientific world of figure, its function is to caculate, with rigid order and definite division of work. At this meaning, the figure is substantial figure. However, in the world of figure which exists in human's spirit, its function is to convey some meaning. Many figures are deified into "incredible figures", "imaginary figures" and "god figures". These figures are of greatly wide extention and intention.(Wang Bingqin, 1998)

With the influence of Eastern and Western different cultures, traditions, religion belief, worships of language, and geographical environments etc., the deifications of figure are also different between the East and the West. However, there are still the similarity and common rules. In the respect of the spiritual worship of figure, both Eastern and Western nations have their own “god figures”. And the developing rules of mysterious figures in both the East and the West are generally the process of “deifying-generalizing-abstracting”. (Wang Bingqin, 1998)

There have been, both in the East and in the West, many treatises and papers discussing on the science of figure, such as Figure:the Scientific Language (The Commercial Press, 1998) written by Dantzig Tobias, which belongs with the Pythagoras. In our country, there are also many scholars which had wrote works and papers about figure, and carried out academic discussions. For example, Professor Wang Bingqin specially discussed on the Comparison of the Semantic Scope and the Translation of Figure, which is contained in Chapter 6 of the medial sector of his book New Discussion on Language and Translation; and Su Jin wrote a paper of the Spiritual Worship of Figure (published on the Page 440 of Language, Society and Culture, Language Publishing House, Jan. 1991). In the Second Yearly Conference and the Third Academic Discussion of the Chinese Seminar on Comparison of English and Chinese, which is held by Nan Chang University in 1998, the members of the Professional Committee for Comparison of English and Chinese Cultures were intensely discussing on the paper of the Cultural Mode of “Ruled by Three” in Chinese and Western Literatures written by the teacher Wu Lingying in the Faculty of Foreign Language of Central South University of Technology.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-12 04:19


热心网友 时间:2024-11-12 04:20


热心网友 时间:2024-11-12 04:21

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