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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-07 08:50



热心网友 时间:2023-08-18 21:29

Solveig suddenly

A face I never knew is beaming back
when I look in the mirror,
Smilling eyes I can't conceal,
how my heart's brimming over
I was surronded by the darkness,
though there's a distant star
It's a bit miraculous,because here you are...
Suddenly the world's upside down with adventures all around
Suddenly I'm feeling so high i could almost cry
Suddenly I'm breaking the spell no more hiding in my shell
Suddenly I'm all out of doubt wanna shout it out
Love is capricious like a day in Spring
When the sun gleams in the rain
Destiny has had it's say let this moment remain
Cause I love the spell I'm under,
all that I'm thinking of
is me and you and what we'll do.I think I'm deep in love
Suddenly the world's upside down with adventures all around
Suddenly I'm feeling so high i could almost cry
Suddenly I'm breaking the spell no more hiding in my shell
Suddenly I'm all out of doubt wanna shout it out
Suddenly the world's upside down with adventures all around
Suddenly I'm feeling so high i could almost cry
Suddenly I'm breaking the spell no more hiding in my shell
Suddenly I'm all out of doubt wanna shout it out
Suddenly the world's upside down with adventures all around
Suddenly I'm feeling so high i could almost cry
Suddenly I'm breaking the spell no more hiding in my shell
Suddenly I'm all out of doubt wanna shout it out
Suddenly the world's upside down with adventures all around
Suddenly I'm feeling so high i could almost cry
Suddenly I'm breaking the spell


热心网友 时间:2023-08-18 21:29

And she walked away
I never saw the girls I spoke to, no
But tell me is there something I can do
Leave another message on the telephone
And you're parked outside with your headlights on
Suddenly I'm standing at your door
And the steps don't feel like they did before
The radio's playing loud but it's not our song
Suddenly he's all alone with you
He's looking in your eyes like I wanted to
I knock four times and pretend you're not at home
Suddenly I'm all alone
Suddenly I'm all alone
She said it wasn't the same (she said it wasn't the same)
You said our life's been so plain
Then she walked away
Want to make things brand new
Tell me is there something I can do, whoa
Leave another message on the telephone
And you're parked outside with your headlights on
Suddenly I'm standing at your door
And the steps don't feel like they did before
The radio's playing loud but it's not our song
Suddenly he's all alone with you
He's looking in your eyes like I wanted to
I knock four times and pretend you're not at home
Suddenly I'm all alone
Suddenly I'm all alone
Suddenly I'm all alone
The radio's playing...the radio's playing
Suddenly I'm all alone
The radio's playing loud but it's not our song
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Suddenly I'm standing at the door
And the steps don't feel like they did before
The radio's playing loud but it's not our song
Suddenly I'm all alone with her
She's everything that I wish you were
You knock four times and pretend I'm not at home
Suddenly I'm standing at the door
And the steps don't feel like they did before
The radio's playing loud but it's not our song (but it's not our song)
Suddenly I'm all alone with her
She's everything that I wish you were
You knock four times and pretend I'm not at home
Suddenly I'm standing at your door
And the steps don't feel like they did before
The radio's playing loud but it's not our song (not our song, oh)
Suddenly I'm all alone with her
She's everything that I wish you were
You knock four times and pretend I'm not at home追问不好意思,这个真的不是..............

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