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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-06 09:58



热心网友 时间:2023-10-04 06:55

Yang Zhenyu, ad hoc professor at Nanjing University, the Yangtze River and scholars. Employment Status: structural geology. Research directions: tectonic studies, paleomagnetism, magnetostratigraphy, rock magnetism. PhD supervisor.

Personal Profile

Yang Zhenyu, male, in February 1963 Health, Dr..

1980 by the Geological Department of the Changchun Institute of Geological professional geology degree in 1984 by the Department of the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences geomechanics professional graate master's degree in 1989 in France by the Department of Geological Curie University Dr. former Ecation, the same year in October was admitted to the first Paris seven of the University of geophysical deep geophysical professional, in October 1992 obtained a doctorate. A number of occasions in Paris Geophysical Institute and the University of Kobe, Japan engaged in research work. Early in 1995 returned in 1996 selected the Ministry of Personnel, Ministry of Ecation and other seven ministries "Talent Project." 1997 enjoyment of the State Council, the government's special allowance, the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences Institute of Geomechanics room deputy director. In 2000, the National Formation Commission magnetostratigraphy points Chairman of the Committee, part-time professor of Zhejiang University; elected the same year the United Nations Ecational Scientific Cultural Organization International Geoscience Program Committee; 2002 of the "Journal of Geology," the English version (SCI included), deputy editor-in-chief. In 2003 the "Cheung Kong Scholars Program" ad hoc professor at Nanjing University.

Mainly engaged in tectonic and paleomagnetism, and other relevant areas of research work. In recent years, paleomagnetism and tectonic studies in the application, particularly for Asia and the eastern part of the three plots in Southeast Asia (China North China, South China block, Indochina block) palaeogeography and tectonic movements, collision and merging some made the process more systematic research. In addition, from the Early Jurassic magnetostratigraphy start with the research, establish Early Jurassic stratigraphic correlation for the global geomagnetic polarity stratigraphic sequence, and contribute to analysis of the frequency of the magnetic field reversed, upside down, such as the cyclical frequency . In recent years, the Ministry of Science and Technology bear, the National Natural Science Foundation of a number of various types of research projects. Access to the Department of Science and Technology Achievements in situ ore and third prizes. Published theses 66, SCI included 33. SCI others cited by 230-some. In 2002, the first by the Geological Society of China, "Huang Jiqing geological science and technology prize."

In 1999 the national Outstanding Youth Fund.
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