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初二英语作文求大神助攻! 改革开放三十多年来,中国农村发生了翻天覆地的变化,请你根据自己所见所闻

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 04:16



热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 06:06

Great changes have taken place in the past thirty years, especially in the countryside. And this is especially true with my hometown.
My hometown is in the rural area of XXX. Five years ago, there was a river behind my grandparents' house, but the river is very dirty. People throw thier garbages directly into the water. But with the rapid development of modern society and technology, the river becomes clean again. And I usually go swimming in it when i go back to my hometown ring holidays.
People live on farms five years ago. My grandparents planted vegetables in the field to make a living. Now they don't have to work anymore and all those people have moved into a newly-built housing estate. The housing estate is modern and beautiful than the farm and all trees are preserved so that the environment is not harmed.
I love all the changes happened around me these years, because it symbollizes the rapid development of our country. It means a better life for all people.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 06:06

Great changes have taken place in the past thirty years, especially in the countryside. And this is especially true with my hometown.
My hometown is in the rural area of XXX. Five years ago, there was a river behind my grandparents' house, but the river is very dirty. People throw thier garbages directly into the water. But with the rapid development of modern society and technology, the river becomes clean again. And I usually go swimming in it when i go back to my hometown ring holidays.
People live on farms five years ago. My grandparents planted vegetables in the field to make a living. Now they don't have to work anymore and all those people have moved into a newly-built housing estate. The housing estate is modern and beautiful than the farm and all trees are preserved so that the environment is not harmed.
I love all the changes happened around me these years, because it symbollizes the rapid development of our country. It means a better life for all people.
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