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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 01:30



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 16:49

Many celebrities in the world, everyone has their own advantages, today I want to introce is my idol, zhuge liang and li yundi. Zhuge liang is a famous politician, strategist, almost is world famous for his wisdom, he is even all the Japanese idol, he enjoys reading at an early age, in order to let his teacher Mr Water mirror can talk for a while, he always go to school with a handful of rice, let time because eating chicken and don't call, after Mr Water mirror know more valued of zhuge liang. Yundi li is a famous pianist, he won the openings at the age of 18 in 15 years of Chopin international piano contest, became the youngest gold medalist since the start and the first Chinese to receive the honour. He showed when I was in a small sensitive to music, and many times won the award for children. Famous after he didn't show everywhere, but keep practicing the piano every day 14 hours. This taught me two people, no matter what things, are and diligence cannot leave.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 16:49

Many celebrity in the world, everyone has their own advantages, today I would like to introce is my idol, Zhu Geliang and Yundi Li. Zhu Geliang was a famous statesman, military strategist, his wisdom is almost the world famous, he even all Japanese idol, he was fond of reading, in order to let his teacher Mr. water mirror can talk for a while, always take a meter when he was in high school, let time chicken instead called for food, the water mirror know after Zhu Geliang pay more attention. Yundi Li is a famous pianist, he won the vacant for 15 years of the Chopin International Piano Competition at the age of 18, became the youngest since the start of the gold medal winner and the first award of chinese. As a child he was shown sensitive to music, and won several children award. Famous after he did not perform everywhere, but to practice piano everyday, fourteen hours. The two men taught me, no matter what you do, and diligence are inseparable.





热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 16:50


刘畅说,参加英语俱乐部在学校是最好的方式,以提高她的英语专业的学生获得实践的机会,他们也有乐趣。她补充说,一些与朋友的谈话是没有用的。“我们感到兴奋的东西,然后导致在中国的演讲, “她说,希望能帮助你。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 16:50

Many celebrity in the world, everyone has their own advantages, today I would like to introce is my idol, Zhu Geliang and Yundi Li.
Zhu Geliang was a famous statesman, military strategist, his wisdom is almost the world famous, he even all Japanese idol, he was fond of reading, in order to let his teacher Mr. water mirror can talk for a while, always take a meter when he was in high school, let time chicken instead called for food, the water mirror know after Zhu Geliang pay more attention.
Yundi Li is a famous pianist, he won the vacant for 15 years of the Chopin International Piano Competition at the age of 18, became the youngest since the start of the gold medal winner and the first award of chinese. As a child he was shown sensitive to music, and won several children award. Famous after he did not perform everywhere, but to practice piano everyday, fourteen hours.
The two men taught me, no matter what you do, and diligence are inseparable.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 16:49

Many celebrities in the world, everyone has their own advantages, today I want to introce is my idol, zhuge liang and li yundi. Zhuge liang is a famous politician, strategist, almost is world famous for his wisdom, he is even all the Japanese idol, he enjoys reading at an early age, in order to let his teacher Mr Water mirror can talk for a while, he always go to school with a handful of rice, let time because eating chicken and don't call, after Mr Water mirror know more valued of zhuge liang. Yundi li is a famous pianist, he won the openings at the age of 18 in 15 years of Chopin international piano contest, became the youngest gold medalist since the start and the first Chinese to receive the honour. He showed when I was in a small sensitive to music, and many times won the award for children. Famous after he didn't show everywhere, but keep practicing the piano every day 14 hours. This taught me two people, no matter what things, are and diligence cannot leave.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 16:49

Many celebrity in the world, everyone has their own advantages, today I would like to introce is my idol, Zhu Geliang and Yundi Li. Zhu Geliang was a famous statesman, military strategist, his wisdom is almost the world famous, he even all Japanese idol, he was fond of reading, in order to let his teacher Mr. water mirror can talk for a while, always take a meter when he was in high school, let time chicken instead called for food, the water mirror know after Zhu Geliang pay more attention. Yundi Li is a famous pianist, he won the vacant for 15 years of the Chopin International Piano Competition at the age of 18, became the youngest since the start of the gold medal winner and the first award of chinese. As a child he was shown sensitive to music, and won several children award. Famous after he did not perform everywhere, but to practice piano everyday, fourteen hours. The two men taught me, no matter what you do, and diligence are inseparable.





热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 16:50


刘畅说,参加英语俱乐部在学校是最好的方式,以提高她的英语专业的学生获得实践的机会,他们也有乐趣。她补充说,一些与朋友的谈话是没有用的。“我们感到兴奋的东西,然后导致在中国的演讲, “她说,希望能帮助你。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 16:50

Many celebrity in the world, everyone has their own advantages, today I would like to introce is my idol, Zhu Geliang and Yundi Li.
Zhu Geliang was a famous statesman, military strategist, his wisdom is almost the world famous, he even all Japanese idol, he was fond of reading, in order to let his teacher Mr. water mirror can talk for a while, always take a meter when he was in high school, let time chicken instead called for food, the water mirror know after Zhu Geliang pay more attention.
Yundi Li is a famous pianist, he won the vacant for 15 years of the Chopin International Piano Competition at the age of 18, became the youngest since the start of the gold medal winner and the first award of chinese. As a child he was shown sensitive to music, and won several children award. Famous after he did not perform everywhere, but to practice piano everyday, fourteen hours.
The two men taught me, no matter what you do, and diligence are inseparable.
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