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How to be a greener person?英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-25 23:48



热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 20:59

What's the meaning of 'green'?It means do something good to the earth.And how to become a 'greener' person?Maybe we can pay much attention on the running tap.When we finish washing our hand or vegetables,we should turn off the tap,or,it is a waste of water.And after finishing washing vegetables,we can use the water to clean the toilet.This is the reuse of waterAt school,we should pay attention on the wirings,we must turn off the lights and turn off the fans before leaving the classroom.It avoids the waste of electricity.In the society,cars are polluting the environment,they release carbon dioxide into the air.and this causes the Greenhouse Effect.So,we should use cars less often.Use bikes or bus instead.If we can do these things,we are 'green' people,and we are doing something good to protect the envionment

how to be a green person, nowadays earth is starting to shut down its system, if we continued to poluute the enviroment soon the earth will not be a sutable place for living,therfore we need to help earth by being a green person,. How to be a green person, first we hav...




How to be a Greener Person Today the world is developing very rapidly,but many peopie don't pay attention to protecting the environment.As we know,none of us likes pollution.So we should be a greener person.First ,save electricity.Turn off the lights when you are not using the...


家 乡 赞 家乡,一个叫人舒服、使人留恋的名字;家乡,一个让人惊叹、令人神往的地方.如果你问我的家乡在哪里?我会自豪地告诉你:她,就是十堰市——闻名遐迩的汽车城.而我家,则位于车城东部白浪高新技术产业开发区,这是车城一颗璀璨的明珠.这是一个山清水秀的所在,一个休闲度假的乐园.它的四周青山...


important.2,We should reduce the waste we produce ,we use both sides of the paper and reuse plastic bags.3,You to turn off the lights when you leave a room.4,Reduce waste .Don't buy cups or boxes which can be used only once . Try to ride a bike when you travel.


Oh,howbeautifulmyhometownis!Itissimplyabeautifulpictureforeveryseason.。 5. 写一篇关于‘我的家乡’的英语作文 《我的家乡》My home is a *** all town, where the scenery beautiful, tree-yin. Spring, the branches out of the verdant branches, grass lazily opened his eyes, the flowers are in ...





a greener person greenerperson greener person greener people greener grass country greener sleeplessness in the beginning greener world
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