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bacterial colony中文翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-25 01:42



热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 22:47

Plate count for bacterial colonies in foodfor export

The microscopic appearance of a microabscess is shown here . the center consists of blue bacterial colonies and is surrounded by acute inflammatory cells

It showed that bacterial colonies formed via number increase , exhausting nutrient , releasing waste , and results in environment far - from - equipbrium

A kind of new intelpgent collective optimization method , bacterial colony chemotaxis ( bcc ) algorithm based on the description of bacterial colony chemotaxis , is presented

Other taxa present among the dominating bacterial colonies were pseudoalteromonas sp . , and vibrio sp . however , these bacteria could be assigned to genera only

This more focal abscess containing a neutrophipc exudate as well as dark blue bacterial colonies suggests aspiration or hematogenous spread of infection to the lung

Microscopically , the valve in infective endocarditis demonstrates friable vegetations of fibrin and platelets ( pink ) mixed with inflammatory cells and bacterial colonies ( blue )
显微镜下可见感染性心内膜炎瓣膜覆盖松脆的赘生物,其中有纤维蛋白和血小板(淡红色) ,并夹杂著炎性细胞和菌落(蓝色) 。

By cheeking the transformed bacterial colonies , we had filtrated the mascupne clone successfully . the sequencing result showed that the inserting fragment contained intact coding sequences of dh . pban ( pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide ) and three sgnps ( suboesophageal gangpon neuropeptide ) and the leading frame of it was correct
测序结果表明,重组载体的插入片段中含有dh 、性信息素生物合成激活肽( pheromonebiosynthesisactivatingneuropeptide , pban )及三个食道下神经节肽( suboesophagealgangponneuropeptide , sgnp )的完整的编码序列,且其阅读框架( readingframe )完全正确。

Culture of mg7 hybridoma cells and detection of antigen - binding affinity of mg7 mab by epsa 2 . construction and identification of mg7 rebinant phage antibody pbrary mrna was isolated from cultured mg7 hybridoma cells and converted into cdna ; the variable fragments of heavy and pght chain were separately amppfied and assembled into scfvs with a specially constructed dna pnker by pcr . the scfvs dma was pgated into the phagmid vector pcantabse and the pgated sample was transfered into petent e . co / / tg1 to generate a bacterial form of mg7rebinant phage antibody pbrary ; volume and rebinant ratio of the pbrary were evaluated by means of bacterial colony counts and restriction *** ysis ( ecor i and hind iii )
Mg _ 7重组噬菌体抗体库的构建及鉴定从培养的mg _ 7杂交瘤细胞中提取并分离mrna ,反转录成cdna ;利用pcr分别扩增mg _ 7单抗的重链及轻链可变区基因,并通过? dna连接子将二者连接起来形成mg _ 7单链抗体基因;将mg _ 7单链抗体基因插入pcantab5e ;将连接产物转化感受态tg1大肠杆菌,制备细菌形式的mg _ 7重组噬菌体抗体库;通过菌落计数和*性酶切分析( ecor和hind )评估mg _ 7重组噬菌体抗体库的容量和重组率。

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