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发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-24 14:24



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 22:23

It's 4 real, 4 real
4 real, 4 real
It's 4 real, 4 real
Baby it is, baby it is
4 real, 4 real, 4 real
]Sometimes you be blowin my mind
If you were mine
I'd take my time wit'chu but
On the low I'm shy
Though I front like I'm
So next level fly
With them other guys
Baby I wanna reach out and just touch you
If you could only realize how much I like you
Karma's knocking at your door
Give your girl the heave ho
And give a demonstration of what it's like
When it's 4 real, 4 real
100% 4 real
Hotter than cable T.V
Like something outta your dreams
Just 4 real, 4 real
A million percent the deal
So I'll just keep doing me
And eventually you'll see
I'm 4 real, 4 real
Baby it is, baby it is
4 real, 4 real, 4 real
All of my friends say
I'm wasting my time on you
Tryna dissuade me with schemes
Wanna make you less than you seem
But I'm not that one
To listen to mb chicks that wanna be
Where I'm gonna be (yeah)
Baby I wanna reach out and just touch you
If you could only realize how much I like you
Lay myself right next to you
Fall asleep watching cartoons
And wake you up with something good cause it's real
When it's 4 real, 4 real
100% 4 real
Hotter than cable T.V
Like something outta your dreams
Just 4 real, 4 real
A million percent the deal
So I'll just keep doing me
And eventually you'll see
I'm 4 real, 4 real
Check this out
For real, for real
This ain't for play, ain't for play
I been trynna figure it out
How to come at you off tay day
It's morning
And I wanna Shirley Murdock ya
like that, sweet?
But on the low rock a shout like MJ
I don't know what to say, say, say
But I know who I wanna do, do, do
I'm for real, for real, that's you, you, you
You ain't ever met nobody like me, me, me
I don't need Comcast inside
I like TV
Lemme demonstrate how it's supposed to be
Cuz it's something you can't imagine
Like outta ya dreams
Obviously people gon hate on me
They Don't want me to date on you
They Don't want you with a paid woman
But they can't deny
They got Mariah since day one
When it's 4 real, 4 real
100 % 4 real
Hotter than cable T.V
Like something outta your dreams
A million percent the deal
So I'll just keep doing me
And eventually you'll see
I'm 4 real, 4 real
Baby it is, baby it is
4 real, 4 real, 4 real
Baby I'm
4 real, 4 real
When it's 4 real, 4 real
100 % 4 real
Hotter than cable T.V
Like something outta your dreams
A million percent the deal
So I'll just keep doing me
And eventually you'll see
I'm 4 real, 4 real
Baby it is, baby it is 4 real, 4 real, 4 real
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