发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-24 19:57
热心网友 时间:2023-12-31 18:58
[gōng shì] publicity 单词公示的英汉对照例句 证交会周一宣布,将永久性实施一条曾经的临时规定,即经纪自营商在卖空股票后,须迅速购买或借得相关股票以备交割,并称将每月公示两次“未能交割”数据。 The sec on monday made permanent a temporary rule requiring broker-dealers quickly to purchase or borrow securities to deliver on a short sale and said it would also publish fails to deliver ' data twice a month. Mary schapiro who chairs the sec said the actions would address short-selling abuses while at the same time increasing public disclosure . 第十三条证券公司应当在符合有关规定的基础上,根据自身营运成本、市场状况以及客户资信等因素确定融资融券的利率与费率,并在营业场所内公示。 Article13a securities company shall determine the interest rate and charging rate of the margin trading on the basis of compliance with relevant provisions and by taking into account such factors as its own operation cost market situations and customer credit and shall make public such rates in its business offices.