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CMV的《You Said》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-24 22:19



热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 15:23

歌曲名:You Said
专辑:Standing Determined

You Said - Tanic
作词:Tanic 作曲:Tanic 编曲:Tanic
Now where's loving it's a heartbreak
There is nothing when i'm lonely
You said it's ok, in the rainy day
Pay attention to me love is just be crazy
Pleast don't be free, call me in my day
Noting is changing but you just the imagination
Now where's loving it's a heartbreak
There is nothing when i'm lonely
You said it's ok, in the rainy day
Pay attention to me love is just be crazy
Pleast don't be free, call me in my day
Noting is changing but you just the imagination
You said the love it's a heartbreak
don't call my name when you through the rainy day, oh shit
You said the roof is just be the highest, you didn't wanna go
maybe you will stop at the moment ! that's the truth
You said the truth is you would unerstand ya
tell me the love will go to be alone
As long as you make sure that you didn't want me
you saved my life but you haven't lonely
Now where's loving it's a heartbreak
There is nothing when i'm lonely
You said it's ok, in the rainy day
Pay attention to me love is just be crazy
Pleast don't be free, call me in my day
Noting is changing but you just the imagination

CMV的《You Said》 歌词

You said it's ok, in the rainy day Pay attention to me love is just be crazy Pleast don't be free, call me in my day Noting is changing but you just the imagination You said the love it's a heartbreak don't call my name when you through the rainy day, oh shit You...

Syleena Johnson Featuring Liberty City Fla的《You Said》 歌词

You told me that a love like this Don't come along but once in a lifetime You said a lot of things You said a lot of things You said it just like that You said a lot of things that you can't take back You swore to me on your mama's grave A promise was a promi...

《you and i》的歌词

It's been along time but i'm back in town But This time i'm not leaving without you You Taste Like Whiskey when you kiss me (Oh)I’ll Give up anything again to be your baby doll Yeah this time i'm not leaving without you You Said Sit Back Down where you belong In ...

vertical horizon的《You Say》 歌词

Oh but I can see the way the way you look at me And baby I don't believe Believe what you say You say you say You know that is cool to look Look the way you do tonight Girl you know I'm on to you Cause something just don't act up right No I thought you said ...


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请问谁能给我Jesse Mccartney的《Told you so》的中英文歌词???谢谢

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Martin Schenkel的《You Say》 歌词

Girl you know I'm on to you Cause something just don't act up right No I thought you said you felt unsure Oh but hearts don't lie Cause now you're back at my front door Cause you say (you say)You ain't got time (you got time baby)Actions speak loud of every ...

Elliott Yamin的《You Say》 歌词

Girl you know I'm on to you Cause something just don't act up right No I thought you said you felt unsure Oh but hearts don't lie Cause now you're back at my front door Cause you say (you say)You ain't got time (you got time baby)Actions speak loud of every ...

...之前在qq音乐听过,记得名字叫《You said》但现在找不到了。是一首...

You caught my eye I said who's this girl, she's lookin super fly Hey miss beautiful I've never seen you before And I would like to be the one to show you I am cool and all Hey little momma what you got on yah Looking so good that I just want to telephone her She...

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Me and You歌词 you beautiful歌词 歌词里有you and i say you say me歌词 歌词i know i know my beautiful歌词 YOU的歌词 you(=i)歌词 I am you歌词
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