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发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-18 08:24



热心网友 时间:2023-09-28 07:24

Grandfather is not my sibling's grandfather, he is my family's neighbor, is a retired cadre, the children not in the side. Grandfather places all energy looks after on my body, every day sends and picks up me to go to school, after being on vacation from school, the instructor work shines my life. remembered in my eighth birthday time, grandfather has delivered a pink one-piece dress, is very attractive, I like very much, this is in my life the first birthday present, until now I remembered that at that time put on skirt's scene. In the 90s, will not look like today's child parents to be able to take your birthday especially, father and mother will make the delicacy to me food, but had not thought that delivered a gift, grandfather is first gives had the birthday present this concept person. In the future two years, birthday grandfather can give me every year one point small gift, expresses him and shows loving concern to my blessing.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-28 07:24

The one i call him Grandpa isnot my real grandpa.he is my neighbor,a Retired cadres whose chirdren donot around him.So grandpa spend all his energy to take care of me,send me to the school and help me with my homeworks after class everyday.

As i can remember,I was 8 years old when I recieved a pink dresses from grandpa as a gift.It was my first Birthday gift I have ever recieved in my life.It was so beatiful and i loved it,and now i can still remember the scene when i dressed it .
At 90's,parents didnot pay much attention to your Birthday as now they do.My parent wound cook me some delicious food but never thought of buying a gift for me .Grandpa is the first one who bring me the concept that revieving a gift at birthday. Grandpa kept sending me a gift when I birthday for showing his wish and love to me at the later 2 years.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-28 07:24

The old man that I call Grandpa is not my real grandfather, but rather my neighbour. Since he is a retired worker without his children around him, he shifts all of his attention on me. Every day, he drops me off and picks me up from school and also helps me with my homework.
I remember the day that I turned 8 years old, my grandpa gave me a pink and very pretty dress. I loved the dress very much, because it was the first present that I have ever received on my birthday. Still to this day I remember how happy I felt when I put on that dress. In the 1990s, parents didn't really pay a lot of attention to their children's birthdays. My parents normally just cooked me delicious dishes but never gave me a present. Grandpa was the first one to have done so. Ever since, he gave me a present on my birthday to show his care and love for me.
I love him very much.(我很爱他)
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