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拜托高人帮忙把下面一段话翻译成英语 !! 急用!!!

发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-17 19:28



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 07:50

In hand gun soon shoot to train medium, how make a train of very basic technique stage is exaltation the key place of athlete result, and to train have instruction and draw lessons from meaning.Try an usage an observation, comparison, analysis, ince etc. research method, the opponent gun soon shoot athlete at train foundation within process action and train the process carry on research.With military athletics school in Harbin man 25 meters revolver soon shoot athlete for research object.Research result enunciation, the revolver soon shoot athlete at understanding basic technique train of importance after, want core that attain basic technique's training, not only want at action of whole felling top release everything, whole heartedly do action, return want an enlargement technique action completion of difficulty, exaltation completion action of standard.But now of body comprehensive stereoscopic type, Gao standard, have intention to know completion to soon shoot a basic technique action, standard the long pull of the gun slow shoot accuracy train and pay attention to an each of stanza training of related link up three aspects of basic technique train method, is also the foundation which obtain excellent result.
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