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Pilgrimage (Live In Toronto) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-17 20:50



热心网友 时间:2023-05-26 18:22

歌曲名:Pilgrimage (Live In Toronto)
专辑:Murmur (Deluxe)

take a turn
Take our fortune, take our fortune
They called the clip
a two-headed cow
Your hate clipped and distant
your luck, pilgrimage
Rest assured this will not last
take a turn for the worst
Your hate clipped and distant, your luck a two-headed cow
The pilgrimage
has gained momentum
Take a turn, take a turn
Take our fortune, take our fortune
Speakin' in tongues, it's worth a broken lip
Your hate clipped and distant, your luck, pilgrimage
Rest assured this will not last, take a turn for the worst
Your hate clipped and distant, your luck a two-headed cow
The pilgrimage has gained momentum
Take a turn, take a turn
Take our fortune, take our fortune
Pilgrimage. Pilgrimage
Speakin' in tongues, it's worth a broken lip
Your hate clipped and distant, your luck
Rest assured this will not last, take a turn for the worst
Your hate clipped and distant, your luck two-headed
The pilgrimage has gained momentum
Take a turn, take a turn
Take our fortune, take our fortune
Pilgrimage. Pilgrimage.
Pilgrimage. has gained momentum
Take a turn, take a turn
Take our fortune, take our fortune
Take a turn, take a turn
Take our fortune, take our fortune

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