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翻译句子 急 在线等

发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-17 05:43



热心网友 时间:2023-09-12 15:40

1 He went to a lecture.That's why he is absence.
2 We can communicate with most of people all over the world by e-mails.
3 Society is made of people who have different abilities.
4 You should make the children learn how to get along with others.
5 There's no need to get up so early.The plane takes off at 10:15.
6 请填写您的名字 地址和电话号码,以便我们与您取得联系。
7 使用电脑我们能够更快的得到很多信息。
8 我们一定要掌握现代科学技术,以便我们能够跟上社会发展的步伐。
9 没有知识和能力你很难找到一份你想要的工作。
10 对外开放*使快速发展我们的经济变成了可能。



热心网友 时间:2023-09-12 15:40

1, He went to listen to the lectures, that's why he absent.
2, We can comunicate with people all around the world through E-mail.
3, The society is made up of the people have diferent abilities.
4, You should let your children learn how to get alone with poeple.
5, There's no need to get up so early. the plane will fly on 10:15AM.
6, 请填写你的姓名,住址和电话以便于我们可以联系你.
7, 通过使用电脑可以让我们获得很多信息.
8, 我们必须学会现代科学技术来让我们跟上社会的发展.
9, 没有知识和能力,我们很难找到理想的工作.
10, 开放的*可以使我们尽可能地迅速地发展我们的经济.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-12 15:41

1.That's why he went to listening to lectures
2.We communicate many parts of the world with e-mail
3.Society is made up of people with different abilities of
4.Should allow children to learn how to get along with others
5.There is no need to get up so early ,the plane is going to take off at 10:15 am.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-12 15:41

1.He went to listening to lectures, and this is the reason for his absence。
2.We use e-mail to many parts of the world in touch.
3.Society is different from the ability of people.
4。Should let children learn how to get along with others.
5.You do not need so early from the plane to take off at 10:15 am.
10句翻译句子 急 在线等

人工翻译!1. We are looking forward to this visit all the time.2. I don't think it is likely to rain today.3. Please remind Mary to return home early.4. This experiment cost her a lot of time and money.5. I find/found it difficult/hard for my grandmother/grandma to ...

翻译句子 急 在线等

1 He went to a lecture.That's why he is absence.2 We can communicate with most of people all over the world by e-mails.3 Society is made of people who have different abilities.4 You should make the children learn how to get along with others.5 There's no need to get ...


1.这本字典多少钱?How much is the dictionary?2.你的包是什么颜色的?What color is your bag?3.她的新毛衣看起来很漂亮 Her new sweater looks very beautiful.4.这件黄色的毛衣太大了,我想买那件蓝色的。The yellow sweater is too big,I want to buy the blue one.5.你想要什么颜色的...

翻译句子 急 在线等

1. 据说他有一个美国笔友。(It)It is said that he has an American pen pal.2. 我们正忙于为下月举行的歌咏比赛做准备。(be busy)We will be busy preparing for the Singing Competition next month.3. 为了你的家庭幸福,务必遵守交通法规。(Do)For the happiness of your family, you...

翻译句子 急 在线等!!!

1,He seems to have realized that he shouldn't do that.2,Through widely reading,we can obtain knowledges on science,history and so on.3,I intend to give my personal opinion at tomorrow's conference.4,People who are interested in our company can contact us.5,Human beings and ...


1.那件黑色上衣 That black jacket 2.这件黄色毛衣The yellow sweater 3.那个紫色裙字 The purple skirt 4. 这条红色裙子A red skirt 5. 这条棕色裤子This article brown pants 6. 这件绿色的t恤 This green T-shirt 7. 这双蓝色袜子This pair of blue socks 8. 那条白色的裤子The white ...


1. I alway associate the flower smells to my childhood.2. He took off his hat out of respect to the audience.3. I wish I would be a bit taller than you.4. It appears that they don't know what is happening.5. One more lesson you miss and you will fail the exam.6....


1.Does your father work in Beijing.2. Were you born in the 1990s?3. I have been to Beijing many times, so I'm very familiar with Beijing.4. Where will we meet?5. When can you reply us?6. He walks to work these days because his bike is in repair.7. Do you like ...


1. Have your hand washed before eat.2. She told me she had been waiting in here for a day.3. I will meet my wife at railway station once she arrives ChangChun.4. I would become your master yesterday if you were a doggy....


1.Yesterday afternoon, Michael and his friends went to play football.2.I just watched TV。3.Two years ago, you live in Shanghai?4.Last year, I was a student.5.In her age 5, she will write many words!

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