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歌词含有 不下雨 的英文歌曲

发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-17 04:02



热心网友 时间:2023-09-11 20:17

歌曲:No More Rain
歌手:凯莉 米洛
Have you thought that the sky was meas drack,
and them look up and see moving star.
Have you never scared of the water struch on the edge,
and them dive in, how quickly you forget.
I feel the catch woke at night,
and we back night so warm
I feel that
Wave coming love over me,
got glicter drop fall on my knees,
Got the sound of you ring in my ears,
sun coming on a nother day,
got a second hand change,
go to it again,
got the rainbow colours,
no more rain,
no more rain
no more rain, more more
no more.
have you ever dreamed,
that you flying until you looked down,
you never learn how to live,
feet ferly on the ground.
our love carrys the hurt you holed,
funny how live can holed,
oh yeah
I feel that
Wave coming love over me,
got glicter drop fall on my knees,
Got the sound of you ring in my ears,
sun coming on a nother day,
got a second hand change,
go to it again,
got the rainbow colours,
no more rain,
no more rain
no more rain, more more
no more.
Wait for love,
coming over me,
got glicter drop fall on my knees,
Got the sound of you ring in my ears,
sun coming on a nother day,
got a second hand change,
go to it again,
got the rainbow colours,
no more rain,
Wave coming love over me,
got glicter drop fall on my knees,
Got the sound of you ring in my ears,
sun coming on a nother day,
got a second hand change,
go to it again,
got the rainbow colours,
no more rain,
no more rain
no more rain, more more
no more.
no more


热心网友 时间:2023-09-11 20:17

歌词含有 不下雨 的英文歌曲
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