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英语翻译:lift这个词,当动词讲是 举起 的意思,当名词时 是 搭便车的意思

发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-18 12:05



热心网友 时间:2023-10-02 02:55

The word lift means to raise when used as a verb,and free-rider as a noun.So if you want to express I need/want a free-rider,then use take to make a complete expression.And it's the same in the phases to take a bus or taxi.
If you'd like to express to give sb. a free-ride ,you can use to give sb. a lift.Thumb lift is frequently used in movies as a kind of bodylanguage.When a person waves his or her thumb to some direction ,he or she probably means so(he wants to take a lift.).It's rare to give a lift to someone unfamiliar,but it's quiet usual in UK and US ,especially in a country like Austrialia with vast land and few people.Once your car breaks down or you are lost in the deserted land ,you'll need a lift.
Taking the unrest social environment into account,free-ride becomes rarer ,because both of them have suspicions.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-02 02:56


热心网友 时间:2023-10-02 02:56

ift the word, when the meaning of the verb to say what is raised, when the noun when the meaning of free-riding if you want to express my wish to ride the verb should be take. take a lift, and ride buses which are playing with is a verb. take a bus / taxi / lift. If it is to express to someone free-riding, using the phrase "give sb a lift" in a number of films also often see the "thumb lift" the word, which is a form of free-riding, thumb bandwagon, in fact, is a kinds of body language. When you see a person standing on the side of the road shaking his thumbs pointing to the direction to go, then he is said "he wants to take a lift" in China, take the ride on a stranger are rare, but in Anglo-American countries, especially in countries such as Australia range, population, and are very few countries, often free-riding situation. Once you have one bad thing or in the deserted and traffic areas, you need a free ride. Of course, as society becomes more unstable now, free-riding were also fewer, because first of all drivers need to consider what you are, you have to think about how people are driving people?仅供参考!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-02 02:57

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