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发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-18 10:49



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 14:31

in 1809 on February 12, Charles · Darwin was born in British Shrewsbury town Aunt 1817 year dies. 1817 year ~1825 year goes study in the Shrewsbury Private gymnasium. 1825 year ~1827 year in Scotland Edinburgh University study medicine. 1828 year ~1831 year goes study in Britain Cambridge University. 1831 year ~1836 year round the world inspects along with the Beigeer warship. 1837 year starts to write the first species evolution note. 1838 year reads the Tomas · Malthus's work "Population theory" 1839 year in January, marries Emma · Weiqiwude; In December, son William is born; The strict grave illness gets sick the first stage. 1839 year ~1843 year compiles five volumns this work "In Beigeer Navigation season Fauna" 1842 year migrates to the London suburb reaches the warm dwelling. 1842~1846 year composes three volumns this work "In Beigeer Navigation season Geology". 1844 year composition publication elaboration theory of evolution paper. 1846 year ~1855 year carries on the research writing on the balanus question. 1848 year the father died; The state of health not good and continues the very long time. Daughter Anne died. 1855 year starts to compose about the theory of evolution main work. 1858 year London Lin Nai the Academic society reads out Darwin and Wallace cooperates about the theory of evolution paper. 1859 year publishes "Origin of species". 1860 year Britain Scientific Promotion agency annual meeting in the Oxford University about evolution question great debate. 1863 year ~1865 year condition extension. 1868 year publishes "Domestic Animal And Nurse plant's Variation". published five in the 1870s about plant's work. 1871 year publishes "the Origin of man And Sexual selection". 1872 year publishes "Human And Animal Emotion Expression" 1881 year the publication about earthworm's work. 1882 year on April 19, Darwin was reaching the warm dwelling death; Elaborate funeral in the Westminster cathedral
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