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发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-29 09:02



热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 17:45

你好 翻译如下

Information technology is inevitable in order to survive and develop ways to take the technology, information technology and systems for the enterprise implementation of the overall solution provides support for the sustainable development of a good information system for enterprises to achieve their strategic planning and business development objectives have a very important role. Integrated enterprise information resources as a way of thinking and a practice, and throughout the enterprise information strategy formulation and implementation of the entire process. Although the Group of Ningxia in the water for just the initial stage, but we have to do as early as the planning, as early as intended. Water for Ningxia's development strategy for the Group as well as an analysis of development strategies, and to summarize the management information system (MIS) of the mission, objectives and management information system development strategy.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 17:46

Information technology is inevitable in order to survive and develop ways to take the technology, information technology and systems for the enterprise implementation of the overall solution provides support for the sustainable development of a good information system for enterprises to achieve their strategic planning and business development objectives have a very important role. Integrated enterprise information resources as a way of thinking and a practice, and throughout the enterprise information strategy formulation and implementation of the entire process. Although the Group of Ningxia in the water for just the initial stage, but we have to do as early as the planning, as early as intended. Water for Ningxia's development strategy for the Group as well as an analysis of development strategies, and to summarize the management information system (MIS) of the mission, objectives and management information system development strategy.
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