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(Chem) 关于mole的问题

发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-29 15:32



热心网友 时间:2023-05-29 17:52


Uncle Michael ( 博士级 1 级 ) : 头二绦我都明呀
thx =) 但第三条打错了
can you explain to me ? 3. Consider the following equation: X2 (g) + 3Y2(g) ---------------> 2XY3 (g) If 4 moles of X2 (g) react with 6 moles of Y2 (g)
What is the number of moles of XY3(g) formed ?

1. Denote the Avogadro number as L. No. of moles of atoms in 1 mol of XO2 = 1 x 3 = 3 mol No. of atoms in 1 mol of XO2 = 3L atoms Hence
n = 3L No. of moles of atoms in 3 mol of XO3 = 3 x 4 = 12 mol No. of atoms in 3 mol of XO3 = 12L = 4(3L) = 4n ======== 2. Assume the mixture contains x mol of Fe(NO3)2­ and y mol of FeCO3. x mol of Fe(NO3)2 contains x mol of Fe2+ ions and 2x mol of NO3- ions. y mol of FeCO3 contains y mol of Fe2+ ions and y mol of CO32- ions. No. of moles of NO3- ions = 2x = 1 Hence
x = 0.5 No. of moles of Fe2+ ions = x + y = 1.2 0.5 + y = 1.2 Hence
y = 0.7 No. of moles of CO32- = y = 0.7 (mol) ======== 3. If they are X­2
Y2 and XY2 respectively
the equation should be X2(g) + 2Y2(g) → 2XY2 Mole ratio required X2 : Y2 = 1 : 2 Mole ratio added X2 : Y2 = 4 : 6 = 1.33 : 2 Obviously
X2 is in excess and Y2 is the limiting reactant. Mole ratio Y2 : XY2 = 2 : 2 = 1 : 1 No. of moles of Y2 used = 6 mol (limiting reactant) No. of moles of XY2 formed = 6 mol
(1)n atoms 1 mole of the substance always contains 6.02 x 10^23 atoms. (2)1.0 mole The mole rate of nitrate ions and carbonate ions are same. (3)8 moles mole rate of X2:XY2=1:2 number of mole of XY2=4 x 2=8

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