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桃花的介绍 英文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 02:40



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 12:53

The fallen leaves small trees. Of more important varieties are: nectarine, PanTao, the birthday girl peach and paper. Among them are PanTao and nectarine fruit cultivation, the birthday girl peach and paper mainly for viewing, the birthday girl peach also for peach dwarfed anvil does. Tree height 4 ~ 5 m. Annual branches reddish brown. More than a lanceolate leaves, pointed a jagged, petiole base ChangSheng nectar. A type and the bell rose pattern type two kinds. Drupe except PanTao outside, many for round or oval, except the nectarine fruit face, all cloth has a pastel. Pulp white, yellow or clip flush and a few red; The meat, crispy hard or soft secret toughening; Nuclear surface with different channel some grain, are all kinds of and the important basis of variety classification.
High up to 6 an 8 m. Trunk beige, rough have holes. The small branches reddish brown or brown green, smooth. Leaf elliptic-lanceolate, margin serrulate. Flowers solitary, white, pink, red wait for color, double or semidouble, flowering march. Drupe nearly spherical, surface densely covered short nap, for variety, ripe fruit a September 6. The main points GuoTao and spend peach two kinds big.
Peach blossom is our traditional garden flowers and trees, the tree state is beautiful, FuShu branches, flowers well-developed, colour is gorgeous, for an important view of early spring flower.
Peach blossom is originated in northern and central China, cultivation has a long history, is now widely planted all over. Sex like sunshine, cold and drought tolerant, is not able to bear or enre water wet.
Peach fruit is famous fruit; Peach pit can extract the oil; JiZhi, leaf, fruit, root all can medicine; Peach wooden close, hard to with carved.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 12:53

The fallen leaves small trees. Of more important varieties are: nectarine, PanTao, the birthday girl peach and paper. Among them are PanTao and nectarine fruit cultivation, the birthday girl peach and paper mainly for viewing, the birthday girl peach also for peach dwarfed anvil does. Tree height 4 ~ 5 m. Annual branches reddish brown. More than a lanceolate leaves, pointed a jagged, petiole base ChangSheng nectar. A type and the bell rose pattern type two kinds. Drupe except PanTao outside, many for round or oval, except the nectarine fruit face, all cloth has a pastel. Pulp white, yellow or clip flush and a few red; The meat, crispy hard or soft secret toughening; Nuclear surface with different channel some grain, are all kinds of and the important basis of variety classification.
High up to 6 an 8 m. Trunk beige, rough have holes. The small branches reddish brown or brown green, smooth. Leaf elliptic-lanceolate, margin serrulate. Flowers solitary, white, pink, red wait for color, double or semidouble, flowering march. Drupe nearly spherical, surface densely covered short nap, for variety, ripe fruit a September 6. The main points GuoTao and spend peach two kinds big.
Peach blossom is our traditional garden flowers and trees, the tree state is beautiful, FuShu branches, flowers well-developed, colour is gorgeous, for an important view of early spring flower.
Peach blossom is originated in northern and central China, cultivation has a long history, is now widely planted all over. Sex like sunshine, cold and drought tolerant, is not able to bear or enre water wet.
Peach fruit is famous fruit; Peach pit can extract the oil; JiZhi, leaf, fruit, root all can medicine; Peach wooden close, hard to with carved.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 12:53

The fallen leaves small trees. Of more important varieties are: nectarine, PanTao, the birthday girl peach and paper. Among them are PanTao and nectarine fruit cultivation, the birthday girl peach and paper mainly for viewing, the birthday girl peach also for peach dwarfed anvil does. Tree height 4 ~ 5 m. Annual branches reddish brown. More than a lanceolate leaves, pointed a jagged, petiole base ChangSheng nectar. A type and the bell rose pattern type two kinds. Drupe except PanTao outside, many for round or oval, except the nectarine fruit face, all cloth has a pastel. Pulp white, yellow or clip flush and a few red; The meat, crispy hard or soft secret toughening; Nuclear surface with different channel some grain, are all kinds of and the important basis of variety classification.
High up to 6 an 8 m. Trunk beige, rough have holes. The small branches reddish brown or brown green, smooth. Leaf elliptic-lanceolate, margin serrulate. Flowers solitary, white, pink, red wait for color, double or semidouble, flowering march. Drupe nearly spherical, surface densely covered short nap, for variety, ripe fruit a September 6. The main points GuoTao and spend peach two kinds big.
Peach blossom is our traditional garden flowers and trees, the tree state is beautiful, FuShu branches, flowers well-developed, colour is gorgeous, for an important view of early spring flower.
Peach blossom is originated in northern and central China, cultivation has a long history, is now widely planted all over. Sex like sunshine, cold and drought tolerant, is not able to bear or enre water wet.
Peach fruit is famous fruit; Peach pit can extract the oil; JiZhi, leaf, fruit, root all can medicine; Peach wooden close, hard to with carved.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 12:53

The fallen leaves small trees. Of more important varieties are: nectarine, PanTao, the birthday girl peach and paper. Among them are PanTao and nectarine fruit cultivation, the birthday girl peach and paper mainly for viewing, the birthday girl peach also for peach dwarfed anvil does. Tree height 4 ~ 5 m. Annual branches reddish brown. More than a lanceolate leaves, pointed a jagged, petiole base ChangSheng nectar. A type and the bell rose pattern type two kinds. Drupe except PanTao outside, many for round or oval, except the nectarine fruit face, all cloth has a pastel. Pulp white, yellow or clip flush and a few red; The meat, crispy hard or soft secret toughening; Nuclear surface with different channel some grain, are all kinds of and the important basis of variety classification.
High up to 6 an 8 m. Trunk beige, rough have holes. The small branches reddish brown or brown green, smooth. Leaf elliptic-lanceolate, margin serrulate. Flowers solitary, white, pink, red wait for color, double or semidouble, flowering march. Drupe nearly spherical, surface densely covered short nap, for variety, ripe fruit a September 6. The main points GuoTao and spend peach two kinds big.
Peach blossom is our traditional garden flowers and trees, the tree state is beautiful, FuShu branches, flowers well-developed, colour is gorgeous, for an important view of early spring flower.
Peach blossom is originated in northern and central China, cultivation has a long history, is now widely planted all over. Sex like sunshine, cold and drought tolerant, is not able to bear or enre water wet.
Peach fruit is famous fruit; Peach pit can extract the oil; JiZhi, leaf, fruit, root all can medicine; Peach wooden close, hard to with carved.
桃花的介绍 英文

The fallen leaves small trees. Of more important varieties are: nectarine, PanTao, the birthday girl peach and paper. Among them are PanTao and nectarine fruit cultivation, the birthday girl peach and paper mainly for viewing, the birthday girl peach also for peach dwarfed anvil doe...


1.关于桃花的英语句子 The peach flowers are now in bud. 桃花正含苞待放.Peach blossom may have fallen, but they will bloom again. 杨柳枯了, 有再青的时候;桃花谢了,有再开的时候.The peach buds aborted. 桃花蓓蕾枯萎了.Chinese poets often compare beautiful women to peach blosso...


Today, my mother took me to see the azaleas Lotus Hill Show.Came to the Lotus Hill, we can not help but shocked, here almost become a sea of flowers, colorful, thousandsWeirdo odd shapes like fairy same. Some of them lost in thought, and some dancing, some inLooked around...


Peachblossom 桃花,属蔷薇科,落叶小乔木,高可达6至8米。树干灰褐色,粗糙有孔,花单生,有白、粉红、红等色,重瓣或半重瓣,花期3月。桃花为中国传统的园林花木,树态优美,枝干扶疏,花朵丰腴,色彩艳丽,为早春重要观花树种。桃花原产于中国中部及北部,栽培历史悠久,各地广为种植。


Peach Blossom - 桃花 [花]Taohua - 名字


桃花英文:peach blossom。桃花,蔷薇科李属的多年生乔木植物桃树的花,树干灰褐色,叶椭圆状披针形,单叶互生,边缘具有细锯齿,花单生,先叶开放,核果近球形,花期3—4月,果期6-9月。桃花的名字来源于《诗经》中的“桃之夭夭,灼灼其华”。桃花原产于中国中部及北部,栽培历史悠久,后来逐渐传播到...


英文名字: peach [编辑本段]科属分类 域: 真核域 Eukarya 界: 植物界 Plantae 门: 被子植物门 Magnoliophyta 纲: 双子叶植物纲 Magnoliopsida 目: 蔷薇目 Rosales 科: 蔷薇科 Rosaceae 属: 李属 Prunus 亚属: 桃亚属 Amygdalus 种: 桃 P. persica [编辑本段]花程式 桃花:*K5,...


桃花 peach blossom peachblossom




你好!桃花 peach blossom 英[pi:tʃ ˈblɔsəm] 美[pitʃ ˈblɑsəm]n. 桃花;[例句]Some beauty parlors can provide various kinds of flowers simultaneously, like rose, peach blossom and apricot flowers.一些美容院可以同时提供多种花瓣服...

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