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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 02:33



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 05:50

The story begins with an old lady telling her granddaughter the story of snow, and why it snows.

Edward Scissorhands lives in a gothic mansion at the top of a hill, below him a suburban town looking very much like a nightmarish vision from the 1960's, where pink and yellow houses nest, neatly grouped together each looking as identical as the inhabitants that live and breathe beneath the roofs.

A very old gentle inventor, played by the renowned actor Vincent Price famous for his performances in Classic horror movies, has created Edward but he sadly dies before he is able to give Edward his hands. Edward is left with only scissors for hands.

In a very comical scene we see Peggy, played by Dianne West, working as an Avon representative visit the mansion on a hopeless task to sell her make up. She is however kinder than most of the residents in the town below and takes it upon herself to give Edward a home, bringing him to the town below to live with her and her family, although with good intentions she lacks the wisdom in her actions.

The film is filled with humorous scenes yet within the humour there is always darker overtones.

The neighbourhood soon accepts Edward in a perverse and freakish way, the people seeing him as a curiosity. He soon becomes popular for his gift of cutting hedges into pieces of beautiful art and arousing the dormant passions of spiteful housewives.

From the beginning of the film we see scenes depicting how it feels if you are different and are amongst people who fit neatly into societies accepted roles. In a horrible dinner scene Peggy's husband reminds Edward that in society money is all that matters if one cannot earn money than one is not acceptable, and he pushes Edward to go to the bank for a loan, obviously they will not give him one without the proper official papers that go with being a member of the social order.

Edward himself has never asked to be created in the manner he was, he is an innocent young man, gentle and greatly gifted, he has a beauty and heart that is found rarely in life. He worships and adores Peggy's daughter Kaye, who from the beginning acts as most teenagers would if they came home and found a strange young man with scissors as hands sleeping in their bed. She makes fun of Edward and soon uses him unwillingly to break into her obnoxious boyfriends house.

Soon after this event Kaye begins to see Edwards beauty and uniqueness in comparison to the people she is surrounded by every day. She reaches out to him with her love holding him close to her.

The people residing in the neighbourhood attack Edward and chase after him through the streets in a similar vein to an early Frankenstein movie directed by James Whale. Kaye saves his life, telling everyone he has been killed she leaves him to be happy on his own the only true way he can live away from people, but with the knowledge that he is loved.

Edward Swissorhands depicts in both humourous ways and dark ones, how life can be if you are different, with Edward on the far end of the scale. Edward is looking for love and understanding something that becomes difficult if you are unusual and something that you long for. It is also a story about someone who cannot physically touch anything or anyone without destroying the thing itself through no fault of his own.

The film is truly wonderful modern fairytale, the gothic mansion is hauntingly beautiful and scenes with Kaye dancing in the snow from Edwards Ice Sculpture's is mesmerising. The story of snow is a rare jewel in filmmaking.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 05:51

"Edward scissorhands" is a modern fairy tales about robots. It tells a castle within an inventor, proce all sorts of things, the last also created a robot. However, do not wait until the robot finished, inventor died, leaving for human mind but remain a pair of scissors hand Edward alone in the castle life. Do not know how long time, a selling cosmetics of middle-aged women's peg boggs error burst castle, found describe strange Edward. Good peg boggs has not been Edward pale skin and make threatening gestures scissors by hand, but flow the lonely, take him back to his home. Peg boggs lived in a tone of bright and beautiful small communities, female the neighbors all like to flirt, spy, and mischief-making ?

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 05:50

The story begins with an old lady telling her granddaughter the story of snow, and why it snows.

Edward Scissorhands lives in a gothic mansion at the top of a hill, below him a suburban town looking very much like a nightmarish vision from the 1960's, where pink and yellow houses nest, neatly grouped together each looking as identical as the inhabitants that live and breathe beneath the roofs.

A very old gentle inventor, played by the renowned actor Vincent Price famous for his performances in Classic horror movies, has created Edward but he sadly dies before he is able to give Edward his hands. Edward is left with only scissors for hands.

In a very comical scene we see Peggy, played by Dianne West, working as an Avon representative visit the mansion on a hopeless task to sell her make up. She is however kinder than most of the residents in the town below and takes it upon herself to give Edward a home, bringing him to the town below to live with her and her family, although with good intentions she lacks the wisdom in her actions.

The film is filled with humorous scenes yet within the humour there is always darker overtones.

The neighbourhood soon accepts Edward in a perverse and freakish way, the people seeing him as a curiosity. He soon becomes popular for his gift of cutting hedges into pieces of beautiful art and arousing the dormant passions of spiteful housewives.

From the beginning of the film we see scenes depicting how it feels if you are different and are amongst people who fit neatly into societies accepted roles. In a horrible dinner scene Peggy's husband reminds Edward that in society money is all that matters if one cannot earn money than one is not acceptable, and he pushes Edward to go to the bank for a loan, obviously they will not give him one without the proper official papers that go with being a member of the social order.

Edward himself has never asked to be created in the manner he was, he is an innocent young man, gentle and greatly gifted, he has a beauty and heart that is found rarely in life. He worships and adores Peggy's daughter Kaye, who from the beginning acts as most teenagers would if they came home and found a strange young man with scissors as hands sleeping in their bed. She makes fun of Edward and soon uses him unwillingly to break into her obnoxious boyfriends house.

Soon after this event Kaye begins to see Edwards beauty and uniqueness in comparison to the people she is surrounded by every day. She reaches out to him with her love holding him close to her.

The people residing in the neighbourhood attack Edward and chase after him through the streets in a similar vein to an early Frankenstein movie directed by James Whale. Kaye saves his life, telling everyone he has been killed she leaves him to be happy on his own the only true way he can live away from people, but with the knowledge that he is loved.

Edward Swissorhands depicts in both humourous ways and dark ones, how life can be if you are different, with Edward on the far end of the scale. Edward is looking for love and understanding something that becomes difficult if you are unusual and something that you long for. It is also a story about someone who cannot physically touch anything or anyone without destroying the thing itself through no fault of his own.

The film is truly wonderful modern fairytale, the gothic mansion is hauntingly beautiful and scenes with Kaye dancing in the snow from Edwards Ice Sculpture's is mesmerising. The story of snow is a rare jewel in filmmaking.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 05:51

"Edward scissorhands" is a modern fairy tales about robots. It tells a castle within an inventor, proce all sorts of things, the last also created a robot. However, do not wait until the robot finished, inventor died, leaving for human mind but remain a pair of scissors hand Edward alone in the castle life. Do not know how long time, a selling cosmetics of middle-aged women's peg boggs error burst castle, found describe strange Edward. Good peg boggs has not been Edward pale skin and make threatening gestures scissors by hand, but flow the lonely, take him back to his home. Peg boggs lived in a tone of bright and beautiful small communities, female the neighbors all like to flirt, spy, and mischief-making ?

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 05:50

The story begins with an old lady telling her granddaughter the story of snow, and why it snows.

Edward Scissorhands lives in a gothic mansion at the top of a hill, below him a suburban town looking very much like a nightmarish vision from the 1960's, where pink and yellow houses nest, neatly grouped together each looking as identical as the inhabitants that live and breathe beneath the roofs.

A very old gentle inventor, played by the renowned actor Vincent Price famous for his performances in Classic horror movies, has created Edward but he sadly dies before he is able to give Edward his hands. Edward is left with only scissors for hands.

In a very comical scene we see Peggy, played by Dianne West, working as an Avon representative visit the mansion on a hopeless task to sell her make up. She is however kinder than most of the residents in the town below and takes it upon herself to give Edward a home, bringing him to the town below to live with her and her family, although with good intentions she lacks the wisdom in her actions.

The film is filled with humorous scenes yet within the humour there is always darker overtones.

The neighbourhood soon accepts Edward in a perverse and freakish way, the people seeing him as a curiosity. He soon becomes popular for his gift of cutting hedges into pieces of beautiful art and arousing the dormant passions of spiteful housewives.

From the beginning of the film we see scenes depicting how it feels if you are different and are amongst people who fit neatly into societies accepted roles. In a horrible dinner scene Peggy's husband reminds Edward that in society money is all that matters if one cannot earn money than one is not acceptable, and he pushes Edward to go to the bank for a loan, obviously they will not give him one without the proper official papers that go with being a member of the social order.

Edward himself has never asked to be created in the manner he was, he is an innocent young man, gentle and greatly gifted, he has a beauty and heart that is found rarely in life. He worships and adores Peggy's daughter Kaye, who from the beginning acts as most teenagers would if they came home and found a strange young man with scissors as hands sleeping in their bed. She makes fun of Edward and soon uses him unwillingly to break into her obnoxious boyfriends house.

Soon after this event Kaye begins to see Edwards beauty and uniqueness in comparison to the people she is surrounded by every day. She reaches out to him with her love holding him close to her.

The people residing in the neighbourhood attack Edward and chase after him through the streets in a similar vein to an early Frankenstein movie directed by James Whale. Kaye saves his life, telling everyone he has been killed she leaves him to be happy on his own the only true way he can live away from people, but with the knowledge that he is loved.

Edward Swissorhands depicts in both humourous ways and dark ones, how life can be if you are different, with Edward on the far end of the scale. Edward is looking for love and understanding something that becomes difficult if you are unusual and something that you long for. It is also a story about someone who cannot physically touch anything or anyone without destroying the thing itself through no fault of his own.

The film is truly wonderful modern fairytale, the gothic mansion is hauntingly beautiful and scenes with Kaye dancing in the snow from Edwards Ice Sculpture's is mesmerising. The story of snow is a rare jewel in filmmaking.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 05:51

"Edward scissorhands" is a modern fairy tales about robots. It tells a castle within an inventor, proce all sorts of things, the last also created a robot. However, do not wait until the robot finished, inventor died, leaving for human mind but remain a pair of scissors hand Edward alone in the castle life. Do not know how long time, a selling cosmetics of middle-aged women's peg boggs error burst castle, found describe strange Edward. Good peg boggs has not been Edward pale skin and make threatening gestures scissors by hand, but flow the lonely, take him back to his home. Peg boggs lived in a tone of bright and beautiful small communities, female the neighbors all like to flirt, spy, and mischief-making ?



剧情介绍 蒂姆·伯顿导演的《剪刀手爱德华》是一部关于机器人的现代童话。它讲述一座古堡中住着一位发明家,制造出了各种东西,最后还造出了一个机器人,并给他起名叫爱德华。发明家对这件作品倾注了全部的心血,他甚至教授爱德华人类的礼仪和诗歌,何时微笑何时沉默。然而,没有等到机器人最后完成,发明...


The story begins with an old lady telling her granddaughter the story of snow, and why it snows.Edward Scissorhands lives in a gothic mansion at the top of a hill, below him a suburban town looking very much like a nightmarish vision from the 1960's, where pink and yellow ho...


An elderly woman tells a story to her granddaughter of a man with scissors for hands named Edward, the creation of an inventor. The inventor was inspired to make an artificial man due to the anthropomorphic appearance of his other inventions. He raised Edward as his son and tutor...


类型: 喜剧 剧情 奇幻 爱情 地区:美国 蒂姆·伯顿导演的《剪刀手爱德华》是一部关于机器人的现代童话。它讲述一座古堡中住着一位发明家,制造出了 详细介绍 诺丁山/摘星奇缘/新娘百分百 Notting Hill 导演: ( 罗杰·米歇尔 Roger Michell ) 上映: 1999年05月13日 评分:6.9/10( 39534票 ) 类型: 喜剧 爱情 ...

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1984年,强尼戴普以恐怖片【半夜鬼上床】正式进入电影圈,尔后在提姆波顿的【剪刀手爱德华】中的演出,不但让他首度获得金球奖提名,更让他与 合作女星薇诺纳瑞德陷入热恋并订婚,而这场婚约共维持了三年。1993年时,强尼戴普再次以【帅哥娇娃】一片获得提名,翌年在与提姆波顿二次合作 的另类黑白片【...






我想要一双人类的手。我想用我的双手把我的爱人紧紧地拥在怀中,哪怕只有一次。如果我从来没有品尝过温暖的感觉,也许我不会这样寒冷;如果我从没有感受过爱情的甜美,我也许就不会这样地痛苦。如果我没有遇到善良的佩格,如果我从来没不曾离开过我的房间,我就不会知道我原来是这样的孤独 ...


自己翻译的哦 蒂姆波顿的《僵尸新娘》延续了其经典作品《剪刀手爱德华》和《圣诞夜惊魂》一贯基调,阴暗和浪漫。这是一部定格动画作品,讲述的故事发生在19世纪欧洲的一个村庄,以主人公维克多(由Johnny Depp约翰尼德普配音)的故事为叙事线索。维克多由于某些原因被带入了阴间并与神秘的僵尸新娘结了婚,与...

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