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End of the World 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-03 23:57



热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 07:25

歌曲名:End of the World
专辑:Shine a Light (feat. Taio Cruz) - EP

McFly - End Of The World
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Done (Danny)
Tom (Tom)
And Dougie
Welcome to your mission...
I thought I saw something moving
Eyes in the dark
Under a cloud of confusion
They're gonna tear you apart
I heard that girls are from Venus
And the guys are from Mars
But in the end they all leave us
Once they've destroyed your heart
Looking in your eyes
I can see forever
I heard somebody say
We're being hypnotised
And if its true then
I really think this could be!..
The end of the world (it's the end of the world)
The skies falling down (the end of the world)
So guys grab the girls (the end)
And spread the word around
I'd sell my soul to the devil
If I had one to give
The line between good and evil
Its not a safe place to live
I guess that fate drives a needle
She's taking me in (hoah)
But as the clock reaches zero, hoh hoh
I really think this could be!..
The end of the world (it's the end of the world)
The skies falling down (the end of the world)
So guys grab the girls (the end)
And spread the word around
Looking in your eyes
I can see forever
I heard somebody say
We're being hypnotised
And if its true then
I really think this could be!..
The end of the world (it's the end of the world)
The skies falling down (the end of the world)
So guys grab the girls (the end)
And spread the word around
Oh, this is the end of the world (it's the end of the world)
The skies falling down (the end of the world)
So guys grab the girls (the end)
And spread the word around

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