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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-02 17:55



热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 17:37

英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的雅安地震英语作文:学生地震避险自救常识,供大家参考:) Earthquake self-rescue knowledge of hedge


Public places to personal protection


An earthquake in the public places people gather, most avoid panic, but should be organized from the intersection of rapid evacuation, otherwise it will cause disorder, mutual squeeze casualties caused.


1, if you are theaters, stadiums, earthquake, must be calm, especially on the inner power, don't shout, do not squeeze chaos Yong, should squat down or hiding under the row of seats, to avoid the attention of the chandelier, electric fans and other hanging objects, protect head with bags and so on, and after the earthquake, obey the command staff, organized withdrawal.


2, when the earthquake, you are shopping malls, bookstores, galleries, should choose strong counter, goods (such as low furniture etc.) or the floor, and the inner corner squat down, with hands or other things head, avoid glass doors and windows and the glass window, also can be in the channel in the squat, waiting for the earthquake subsided, in order to evacuate.


3, students in class, the teacher's command quickly head, eyes closed, hiding under their desks, can't run or jump off building, after the earthquake, leave the classroom organized, to the nearest open ground shock.


4, is for the stadium, should immediately stop the game, stable audience, prevent the chaotic and crowded, the organization has to step outside the stadium evacuation.


Earthquake self-help when the four great sense


1, do not worry when a major earthquake


Feel vibrations from the devastating earthquake that destroyed the building an average of only 12 seconds, in this short period of time you do not panic, should quickly to protect their environment safety. If you lived in a cottage, you can quickly ran out. If you lived in a building, do not jump off building, should cut off switch, immediately turn off the gas, take shelter to the restroom where a small span, or table, bed below, post-earthquake rapid evacuation, in case of strong aftershocks.


2, many people find someone hiding place


The crowd schools, shops, theaters and other gathering places such as an earthquake, the most sensitive to panic, they should hide behind desks, chairs or solid items below, until after the earthquake and orderly evacuation. Staff teachers must calmly directing people in situ suspension, never take the lead.


3, far away from the danger zone


Such as an earthquake in the street, protect your head with your hands, quickly away from buildings, to the middle of the street area. Such as an earthquake in the countryside, should pay attention away from the cliff, steep slopes, river banks and high-pressure line. Running car and train must stop immediately.


4, buried to preserve the physical


If the earthquake was unfortunately ruins buried pressure, try to keep calm, trying to save. Unable to escape, to conserve energy, try to find water and food, creating conditions for survival, the patience to wait for rescue workers.
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