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Tellin' It To You 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-03 16:27



热心网友 时间:2023-11-28 14:36

歌曲名:Tellin' It To You
歌手:Barbecue Bob
专辑:Barbecue Bob Vol. 3 (1929-1930)

Olivia Ong - I'll Get Back To You
Album: Just For You
I can tell you
I'm not gonna hide
But somewhere inside
I get shy when you're around
Cruising felling
I go up and down
In and out
Land on the ground
What is this
What's happenin'
What it is i feel for you and you and only you
Gets me going high
There you are
Walking by
Twinkle in your eyes
I see it everywhere i go
Teddy bear toys are not what i want from you
Take me to fairytale land, you don't have to
Let youself be
Coz you know
I'll get back to you
Come on feel the flow
Teddy bear toys are not what i want from you
Tell you the trueth
I just want to be with you
Coz you know
I'll get back to you
Come on feel the flow
I can tell you
It's more than crush
Coz somewhere inside
I'm gonna get you too
Cruising feeling
I go up and down
in and out
Land on the ground
What is this
What's happenin'
What it is i feel for you and you and only you
Gets me going high
There you are
Walking by
Twinkle in your eyes
I see it everywhere i go
Teddy bear toys are not what i want from you
Take me to fairytale land, you don't have to
Let youself be
Coz you know
I'll get back to you
Come on feel the flow
Teddy bear toys are not what i want from you
Tell you the trueth
I just want to be with you
Coz you know
I'll get back to you
Come on feel the flow
What is this
What's happenin'
What it is i feel for you and you and only you
Gets me going high
There you are
Walking by
Twinkle in your eyes
I see it everywhere i go
Teddy bear toys are not what i want from you
Take me to fairytale land, you don't have to
Let youself be
Coz you know
I'll get back to you
Come on feel the flow
Teddy bear toys are not what i want from you
Tell you the trueth
I just want to be with you
Coz you know
I'll get back to you
Come on feel the flow


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