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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 00:49



热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 21:19

The person grows up more to feel more loneliness

I want to fly very much how far all not tired
Just understand loving of the more deep heart will be more painful
My sky that wants to fly to be at me fly
I know you will be nearby at me
The language that the appearance of recall record
Love is long always long in the your hand of line
Carried me to think of to fly the horizon
Your warm smiling face return just as formerly

The language that the appearance of recall record
You say wanting me learns a little bit braveness
Occasionally crying a red double eyes you will certainly understand
The tears tries my heart in another a kind of perfect

热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 21:20


热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 21:20

Word: Writes down me to see the sky 蓿to like you to have very much in my side warm life too loses □the person more to grow more thought the orphaned minister I very wants to fly far all cannot tired only then understand loves the Vietnamese deep thought can jump over the pain I only to want to fly in mine sky flies I to know you can love in my body □recollection picture recording language always are in your hand the long line carry me to think of flew the horizon you the warm smiling face also one like from to suppress the recollection the picture recording language you to say wanted me to study is being brave one □occasionally cries red both eyes you certainly to be able to understand The tear tries in my heart another kind of Yi ---- question to supplement that, Rejects the translation website translation, very are many is the Chinese English □
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