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发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-20 00:15



热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 23:25

"County government, and the world security." County economic development for economic development, social harmony and stability is important. County Government as a regulator of the county's economy, social affairs, public service managers and providers, can provide economic development for the county system to protect and promote economic growth. At present, China's market economy development in the background, the county government's economic function in the performance of the process of a number of issues: the protection of the Government on agriculture and services is not enough; one-sided emphasis on agricultural development, the impact of the coordinated development of three major instries; in some areas based on facilities backward flow is not concive to the market; one-sided focus on economic development, the destruction of the ecological environment; disadvantaged groups in economic disputes, such as in an awkward position. The development of county economy, the need for a reasonable position at the county level economic functions of government, on this basis, to take reasonable measures to carry out to promote the county's economic development process.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 23:25


热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 23:26

"County government, and the world security." County economic development for economic development, social harmony and stability is important. County Government as a regulator of the county's economy, social affairs, public service managers and providers, can provide economic development for the county system to protect and promote economic growth. At present, China's market economy development in the background, the county government's economic function in the performance of the process of a number of issues: the protection of the Government on agriculture and services is not enough; one-sided emphasis on agricultural development, the impact of the coordinated development of three major instries; in some areas based on facilities backward flow is not concive to the market; one-sided focus on economic development, the destruction of the ecological environment; disadvantaged groups in economic disputes, such as in an awkward position. The development of county economy, the need for a reasonable position at the county level economic functions of government, on this basis, to take reasonable measures to carry out to promote the county's economic development process.
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