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After all this time? Always.这句话是什么意思?

发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-19 07:30



热心网友 时间:2024-08-23 09:31


After all the broken storms

That were thrown, for no good reason

Inside, she is loving him still

after all this time

And though her heart begs the stars

No sign of healing

It's all right

She's loving him still, after all this time.

Ohh yeahh

Trying to push the past away

Still waiting for the lights to change

Try, try for the sake of it

Learning to barely feel the pain

Looking at the skin lest strain

And though it's really hurting

She aint breaking, breaking, breaking

Coz she's loving him still, after all this time

Now he knows his weakness shows

Selfish soul, never changing

That's fine, because she's loving him still

After all this time

And to the outside eye

You see you found a different guy

And it all seems perfect, and that's how she wants it

Coz she's loving him still, after all this time.

Trying to push the past away

Still waiting for the lights to change

Try, try for the sake of it

Learning to barely feel the pain

Looking at the skin lest strain

And though it's really hurting

She aint breaking, breaking, breaking

Coz she's loving him still, after all this time

After all this time

After all, after all, after all this time

Bones have to grow, and age it shows

Though we try and hide it

Inside, she's loving him still

After all this time

And behind his tired eyes, she sees the boy with his arms wide

Who made her feel like an angel

Ohh that's why she's loving him still

For the rest of her life, she's loving him still

For the last of many miles

She's loving him still

She's loving him still

After all this time

after all this time的中文翻译, always的中文。

这句话的意思是“这么长时间了一直是这样吗?”这句话是在《哈利波特与死亡圣器》一书中邓布利多问斯内普的话,“After all this time?”斯内普回答”Always.”意思是“这么长时间了还是这样?”“一直是这样。”问答之间,是斯内普在表达自己对哈利波特的母亲莉莉至死不渝的爱。

在微博看到一句话。After all this time?Always.这句话什么意思?

在微博看到一句话。After all this time?Always.这句话意思是:“这么长时间了还是这样?”“一直是这样。”After all this time?这句话的意思是“这么长时间了一直是这样吗?”这句话是在《哈利波特与死亡圣器》一书中邓布利多问斯内普的话,“After all this time?”斯内普回答”Always.”意思是“...

怎样翻译after all this time?always

这句话的意思是“这么长时间了一直是这样吗?”一直是这样。这句话是在《哈利波特与死亡圣器》一书中邓布利多问斯内普的话,“After all this time?”斯内普回答”Always.”意思是“这么长时间了还是这样?”“一直是这样。”问答之间,是斯内普在表达自己对哈利波特的母亲莉莉至死不渝的爱。always的用...

怎样翻译after all this time?always

After all this time always表示“毕竟过了这么久,一直如此”。“After all this time”是一个常用的英语短语,表示“毕竟过了这么久”或“在经历了这么长时间之后”。它通常用于强调某件事情或某种情况在经过一段相当长的时间后仍然存在或持续。这个短语带...



——After all this time? ——always. 求对话的意思拒绝百度翻译别告诉...


怎样翻译after all this time?always


求哈利波特After all this time? Always的意思和这一整段话完整的

once across the office, and soared out of the window. Dumbledore watched her fly away, and as her silvery glow faded he turned back to Snape, and his eyes were full of tears.“After all this time?”(" 这么久了,你一直爱着莉莉吗?")“Always,” said Snape.("永远")...

After all th

当邓布利多询问“After all this time,?”斯内普的回答是“Alwayys,”表达了他对莉莉无尽的爱意,即使经历了漫长的时间,这份感情依然如故。斯内普对哈利的保护源于他对莉莉的爱,他因为哈利眼睛的相似之处,毫不犹豫地承担起守护者的职责,甚至不惜隐瞒邓布利多关于哈利的秘密。斯内普的深情在细节中展现,...

After all this time? Always.这句话是什么意思?

“从未变过?”“是。”就是始终如一初心不改的意思。After all the broken storms That were thrown, for no good reason Inside, she is loving him still after all this time And though her heart begs the stars No sign of healing It's all right She's loving him still, after all...

all the time stay with me love yourself on this time at present at times pleasure beautiful difficult
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