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请高手帮我把这段话翻译成英文 不要用工具给我翻译哈。。。。。 好心的哥哥们帮帮我吧。。

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 02:01



热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 15:17

Thus, the Internet and the rapid development of network technology, the network has spread to every walk of life, to the socio-economic and people's work and life, greatly facilitate learning, while their security is also faced with all kinds of unsafe Factors as the computer system of graal improvement good speed continuously improve the system of increasingly complex, increasingly large scale systems, software on an unprecedented scale expansion of any hidden defects, errors may be as a great loss. People on the computer needs are growing, such demand is in many ways irreversible, irreplaceable, but also by the use of the computer scene also to instry, agriculture, air, sea, nuclear radiation environment and so on, the environment Than the room where the poor environment, the risk of errors and failures will inevitably lead to increased reliability and safety of the decrease. Therefore, based on complex network security factors are also relatively important.
At present computer and the Internet are stored in a lot of information, much of the work has become increasingly dependent on networks, network security once there is a problem that caused the information was lost or tampered with, and increase deleted, damaged or unauthorised use, will take To huge losses. Based on the importance of network security and safety starting with the status quo, can be exploited by black, Trojan horses, computer virus to attack the large number of examples to illustrate why the park needs to network security and how to prevent these attacks against the network and resolve these issues.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 15:17

Thus, the Internet and the rapid development of network technology, the network has spread to every walk of life, to the socio-economic and people's work and life, greatly facilitate learning, while their security is also faced with all kinds of unsafe Factors as the computer system of graal improvement good speed continuously improve the system of increasingly complex, increasingly large scale systems, software on an unprecedented scale expansion of any hidden defects, errors may be as a great loss. People on the computer needs are growing, such demand is in many ways irreversible, irreplaceable, but also by the use of the computer scene also to instry, agriculture, air, sea, nuclear radiation environment and so on, the environment Than the room where the poor environment, the risk of errors and failures will inevitably lead to increased reliability and safety of the decrease. Therefore, based on complex network security factors are also relatively important.
At present computer and the Internet are stored in a lot of information, much of the work has become increasingly dependent on networks, network security once there is a problem that caused the information was lost or tampered with, and increase deleted, damaged or unauthorised use, will take To huge losses. Based on the importance of network security and safety starting with the status quo, can be exploited by black, Trojan horses, computer virus to attack the large number of examples to illustrate why the park needs to network security and how to prevent these attacks against the network and resolve these issues.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 15:17

Thus, the Internet and the rapid development of network technology, the network has spread to every walk of life, to the socio-economic and people's work and life, greatly facilitate learning, while their security is also faced with all kinds of unsafe Factors as the computer system of graal improvement good speed continuously improve the system of increasingly complex, increasingly large scale systems, software on an unprecedented scale expansion of any hidden defects, errors may be as a great loss. People on the computer needs are growing, such demand is in many ways irreversible, irreplaceable, but also by the use of the computer scene also to instry, agriculture, air, sea, nuclear radiation environment and so on, the environment Than the room where the poor environment, the risk of errors and failures will inevitably lead to increased reliability and safety of the decrease. Therefore, based on complex network security factors are also relatively important.
At present computer and the Internet are stored in a lot of information, much of the work has become increasingly dependent on networks, network security once there is a problem that caused the information was lost or tampered with, and increase deleted, damaged or unauthorised use, will take To huge losses. Based on the importance of network security and safety starting with the status quo, can be exploited by black, Trojan horses, computer virus to attack the large number of examples to illustrate why the park needs to network security and how to prevent these attacks against the network and resolve these issues.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 15:17

Thus, the Internet and the rapid development of network technology, the network has spread to every walk of life, to the socio-economic and people's work and life, greatly facilitate learning, while their security is also faced with all kinds of unsafe Factors as the computer system of graal improvement good speed continuously improve the system of increasingly complex, increasingly large scale systems, software on an unprecedented scale expansion of any hidden defects, errors may be as a great loss. People on the computer needs are growing, such demand is in many ways irreversible, irreplaceable, but also by the use of the computer scene also to instry, agriculture, air, sea, nuclear radiation environment and so on, the environment Than the room where the poor environment, the risk of errors and failures will inevitably lead to increased reliability and safety of the decrease. Therefore, based on complex network security factors are also relatively important.
At present computer and the Internet are stored in a lot of information, much of the work has become increasingly dependent on networks, network security once there is a problem that caused the information was lost or tampered with, and increase deleted, damaged or unauthorised use, will take To huge losses. Based on the importance of network security and safety starting with the status quo, can be exploited by black, Trojan horses, computer virus to attack the large number of examples to illustrate why the park needs to network security and how to prevent these attacks against the network and resolve these issues.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 15:17

Thus, the Internet and the rapid development of network technology, the network has spread to every walk of life, to the socio-economic and people's work and life, greatly facilitate learning, while their security is also faced with all kinds of unsafe Factors as the computer system of graal improvement good speed continuously improve the system of increasingly complex, increasingly large scale systems, software on an unprecedented scale expansion of any hidden defects, errors may be as a great loss. People on the computer needs are growing, such demand is in many ways irreversible, irreplaceable, but also by the use of the computer scene also to instry, agriculture, air, sea, nuclear radiation environment and so on, the environment Than the room where the poor environment, the risk of errors and failures will inevitably lead to increased reliability and safety of the decrease. Therefore, based on complex network security factors are also relatively important.
At present computer and the Internet are stored in a lot of information, much of the work has become increasingly dependent on networks, network security once there is a problem that caused the information was lost or tampered with, and increase deleted, damaged or unauthorised use, will take To huge losses. Based on the importance of network security and safety starting with the status quo, can be exploited by black, Trojan horses, computer virus to attack the large number of examples to illustrate why the park needs to network security and how to prevent these attacks against the network and resolve these issues.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 15:17

Thus, the Internet and the rapid development of network technology, the network has spread to every walk of life, to the socio-economic and people's work and life, greatly facilitate learning, while their security is also faced with all kinds of unsafe Factors as the computer system of graal improvement good speed continuously improve the system of increasingly complex, increasingly large scale systems, software on an unprecedented scale expansion of any hidden defects, errors may be as a great loss. People on the computer needs are growing, such demand is in many ways irreversible, irreplaceable, but also by the use of the computer scene also to instry, agriculture, air, sea, nuclear radiation environment and so on, the environment Than the room where the poor environment, the risk of errors and failures will inevitably lead to increased reliability and safety of the decrease. Therefore, based on complex network security factors are also relatively important.
At present computer and the Internet are stored in a lot of information, much of the work has become increasingly dependent on networks, network security once there is a problem that caused the information was lost or tampered with, and increase deleted, damaged or unauthorised use, will take To huge losses. Based on the importance of network security and safety starting with the status quo, can be exploited by black, Trojan horses, computer virus to attack the large number of examples to illustrate why the park needs to network security and how to prevent these attacks against the network and resolve these issues.

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