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发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-27 05:23



热心网友 时间:2023-12-07 23:51

In the morning, after a few of ChunLei played since spring under the first rain.

A dark sky slowly in the rain.

Layers of dark clouds covered the sun rises.

Not and in a short while, distances scenery are the misty rain fog shrouded.

After breakfast, the rain doesn't stop, though without next big macs, still underground.

The rain did not quite, don't look like rain, it feels like the world next fog, eyes was closed in thick as bead nets rain.

To afar, streets, buildings, pedestrians, are left with a somewhat vague contour.

Heaven is several loud thunder and rain like ringing are urged to like, big for a moment.

But soon, and small down.

I walked into the mist, suddenly, a pure and fresh and cool feeling penetration body.

Raindrops on is cold, but the air but somehow have a cold wet warm breath, as if with the arrival of spring news report.

热心网友 时间:2023-12-07 23:51

In the morning, after a few of ChunLei played since spring under the first rain. A dark sky slowly in the rain. Layers of dark clouds covered the sun rises. Not and in a short while, distances scenery are the misty rain fog shrouded. After breakfast, the rain doesn't stop, though without next big macs, still underground.

The rain did not quite, don't look like rain, it feels like the world next fog, eyes was closed in thick as bead nets rain. To afar, streets, buildings, pedestrians, are left with a somewhat vague contour. Heaven is several loud thunder and rain like ringing are urged to like, big for a moment. But soon, and small down. I walked into the mist, suddenly, a pure and fresh and cool feeling penetration body. Raindrops on is cold, but the air but somehow have a cold wet warm breath, as if with the arrival of spring news report.
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