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发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-27 17:12



热心网友 时间:2024-12-07 11:57

1. Ask for feedback.You need to get into the habit of ask for feedback, although feedback is not always positive, but there will always be helpful to you.If you really want to provide the best customer service quality, understand the customer's idea is extremely important.
2, provide an optional range.Customer comes to your online shopping means they want to have a choice, when it comes to customer service, will also be necessary to make sure to let the customer choice, don't just give the customer a contact form, can also provide online telephone, Skype and free consultation.
3, the information clear and easy to understand.To avoid conflict, had better be as detailed as possible in order to account information, that is to provide with the return policy and guarantee terms, warranty and other detailed information will affect the customer shopping experience.
4, have invested in the construction of high quality site search.Customer service level greatly associated with the design approach of e-commerce sites.In order to let the customer satisfaction and win customers, more input on the build high quality website search capabilities.
5, provide valuable follow-up work.Consumers in a website has received annoying email after shopping experience.Don't be such a electricity, rather than idle for months to send promotion information under a single customer, than after they place an order immediately issued a valuable trading information and offer to them.In the customer's impression of you still have to get their loyalty is the most likely.
6, provide free delivery service.Electricity, improve customer service quality is one of the best strategy is to provide free delivery service.It will make you more spending, but can leave deep impression to the customer, an order may bring more future order.
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