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Torx 头螺丝

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 03:33



热心网友 时间:2023-08-01 08:32

Torx 头螺丝:即梅花头螺钉;TX10,数字10是梅花头上点到点的距离为0.107英寸即2.74mm,与扭矩有关,最大扭矩为3.70 to 4.50 N m

TORX, developed by Camcar LLC of Acument Global Technologies (formerly Camcar Textron), is the trademark for a type of screw head characterized by a 6-point star-shaped pattern (in the same way that slotted heads, Phillips, Hex, and Robertson have flat, ×-shaped, hexagonal, and square tips, respectively). People unfamiliar with the trademark generally use the term star, as in star screwdriver or star bits. The generic name is hexalobular internal driving feature and is standardised by the International Organization for Standardization as ISO 10664.

TORX head sizes are described using the capital letter "T", followed by a number. A smaller number corresponds to a smaller point-to-point dimension of the screw head. Common sizes include T10, T15 and T25, although they reach as high as T100. A sample chart is available here. Only the proper driver can drive a specific head size without risk of ruining the driver or screw. The same series of TORX drivers is used to drive SAE, metric and other thread system fasteners, recing the number of bit sizes required.


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