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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-10 13:17



热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 01:01

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习

the diversity of my university life

Look! There is a rainbow! On the first day of my university life, when I walked into the campus, there was a rainbow bridging over the fountain, I hadn’t seen rainbow for a long time. I was so excited, and leaped high with joy. My ponytail danced with my happiness. It was a propitious sign indicated that my life in university would be colorful, and actually it is!

After my entry into university, I found my life so busy. What I should do is not only gaining the scholarship but also being a good monitor and leader of shanghai university percussion band. I got the 1st and 2nd price of scholarship in my 2 years of study. I anized charity donations for schoolmates with financial difficulty or disease. Every week, I give drum lesson to new members of our percussion band. And there are always a lot of non-business performances, such as entertaining guests, celebrating party, cultural exchange with foreign students delegations and their bands. Of course, part-time job is indispensable in my vacations. I ask for no payment but aim at getting accustomed to the society.

Sometimes, my friends advise me not to tire myself out with such a tight schele. I wake up before the rooster crow, and continue working till very late when others are enjoying their sweet dreams. Every time I e back from the rehearsal of percussion band, I have to finish my homework with the help of my own charged light because of the blackout in out dormitory. Maybe such kind of life is something like an ascetic, but we should work hard and try hard in our youth, aren’t we?

When I represented shanghai university to take part in the POND’s new century lady petition held in May, when I show off on the stage, when I emerged as “the girl of vitality”, I made use of every bit of time to pensate the classes I had missed, I made use of every chance to learn from other girls with vitality, versatility and intelligence, I made use of this opportunity to present our university students’ state of mind.

There is a little bitterness in my busy life, but at the same time, there is sweetness. It is colorful. I make fun out of it. I love it. When I snatch a little leisure I lie on the green grass, reading books, I cripple myself in the window-seat in our library---the 2nd largest in shanghai---I absorb knowledge like a hungry sponge, I wonder along the bank of river, listening to oriels in willows and get a splendid sunset view of the campus. The sky is drunk with the sunset; I am drunk with the sweetness of my like.

Besides study, music is the most important part of my life. I began to learn piano at 6 and drum at 11. In school, I teach students to play jazz drums, kettledrums, xylophone and so on. We give performances in many universities to popularize percussion and to bring music to them. I’ve learned drums for so many years and it can’t be separated from my life now. It is my beating heart, my pulse, veins and arteries. When I play it, I wanna move my body, I can sit on my chair anymore I can’t help swinging I municate with the audience I call upon them to join me with the beat of drums the rhythm of music and the fragmence of youth. Hi, e on!

In one summer vacation, I volunteered to teach my neighborhood munity and taxi drivers to learn 100 English sentences for APEC. I made great efforts to walk out of my air-conditioned room and walk into the hot and suffocating weather. Some of these people didn’t have the opportunity to get good ecation, and even didn’t know ABC! I tried hard to find and easy way to teach them. For example, how to remember “the Oriental TV tower”? I put “tower” as “套鞋” in shanghai dialect. It is not the right way to teach and learn English like this, but actually it is the only way. In the end of my vacation, they could use some daily language. I was so glad and thought my efforts rewarding. Being a volunteer, I mould myself serve the people and wele the ing APEC. Being a university student living in ivory tower, I feel the hardness of taxi driver. It was at that time that I cherished most my opportunity to study in shanghai university which enjoys the first rate facilities in china. I will work hard and contribute myself to our country in the future.

And another summer vacation, I worked as a junior clerk in an import and export pany. I didn’t know how to draw up invoice; how to make customs declaration forms; how to fill the packing list or I even didn’t know what is CIF! I strongly feel my lack of working and social experience; these are knowledge that can’t be learned from textbooks. How to teach oneself, how to make a circle of acquaintances and get along with people of various characters---I think these are the preparation of entry into society and are more important than my scores in examinations. Working in the pany, I threw away my t-shirts jeans track shoes and changed into suits dresses and high-hell shoes. It was far from fortable and occasionally I stumbled over my steps. Oh! How difficult it is to be a white-collar office lady! One should pretend to be a noble lady, working all day before the table, wearing the dangerous high-heel shoes! Isn’t it a challenge?

My life in university is like allegro. It is painstaking but worthwhile; bitter but sweet; tiring but exciting. The rainbow appeared in my first day of university life promised me a colorful life. Over the rainbow, there is the sky high above. The way ahead is long, I see no ending, yet high or low, I will search my will unbending!
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