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when you believe 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-09 07:44



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 04:08

When you belive
Mariah Carey

Many night we've prayed 许多个夜晚我们祈祷
with no proof anyone could 不能证明谁能听得到
In our heart a hopeful song 我们的心就是希望之歌
we barely understood 我们刚刚明了
Now we are not afraid而如今我们不再惧怕
Although we know there's much to fear 虽然我们有太多害怕的事情
we were moving the mountian long 我们能够移山
Before we knew we could 在我们知道之前

There can be miracles 这一定是个奇迹
when you belive 当你相信的时候
Though hope is frail 尽管希望如此脆弱
it's hard to kill 但也不能轻易扑灭
who knows what miracles谁知道奇迹是什么
you can achieve你可以做到
when you belive 当你相信的时候
somehow you will 不知道什么原因你就会做到
you will when you belive当你相信的时候就会做到

And this time of fear在这个令人寒心时刻
when prayer so often proves in vain 当信徒们徒劳无功地证明
hope seems like the summer birds 希望像是夏天的小鸟
too swiftly flown away 飞快地掠过
and now i am standing here 现在我站在这里
my heart's so full i can't explain 我的心满满的 无法解释
seeking faith and speaking wordsi never thought i'd say 我从未想过我会说

there can be miracles这是个奇迹寻找信仰
when you believe (when you believe)当你相信的时候
though hope is frail 尽管希望如此脆弱
it's hard to kill 但也不能轻易扑灭
who know what miracle 谁知道什么是奇迹
you can achieve (you can achieve) 你可以做到
when you believe 当你相信的时候
somehow you will 不知道什么原因你就会做到
you will when you believe 当你相信的时候就会做到

they don't always happen when you ask 当你询问的时候它们不经常出现
and it's easy to give in to your fear 而且很轻易地带给你惧怕
but when you're blinded by your pain但是当你因为痛苦而盲目无助
can't see you way safe through the rainthought of a still resilient voice
says love is very near 想象一种很平静的声音说爱是如此靠近不能在大雨中看清你的道路

there can be miracles (miracles) 这就是奇迹 奇迹
when you believe (when you believe) 当你相信的时候 当你相信的时候
though hope is frail 尽管希望如此脆弱
it's hard to kill 但也不能轻易扑灭
who know what miracles 谁知道什么是奇迹
you can achieve (you can achieve)你可以做到 你可以做到
when you believe 当你相信的时候
somehow you will不知道什么原因你就会做到

you will when you believe 你会做到当你相信的时候
you will when you believe 你会做到当你相信的时候
you will when you believe 你会做到当你相信的时候
just believe 就那么相信
you will when you believe 你会做到当你相信的时候。

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 04:08

When you belive
Mariah Carey

Many night we've prayed 许多个夜晚我们祈祷
with no proof anyone could 不能证明谁能听得到
In our heart a hopeful song 我们的心就是希望之歌
we barely understood 我们刚刚明了
Now we are not afraid而如今我们不再惧怕
Although we know there's much to fear 虽然我们有太多害怕的事情
we were moving the mountian long 我们能够移山
Before we knew we could 在我们知道之前

There can be miracles 这一定是个奇迹
when you belive 当你相信的时候
Though hope is frail 尽管希望如此脆弱
it's hard to kill 但也不能轻易扑灭
who knows what miracles谁知道奇迹是什么
you can achieve你可以做到
when you belive 当你相信的时候
somehow you will 不知道什么原因你就会做到
you will when you belive当你相信的时候就会做到

And this time of fear在这个令人寒心时刻
when prayer so often proves in vain 当信徒们徒劳无功地证明
hope seems like the summer birds 希望像是夏天的小鸟
too swiftly flown away 飞快地掠过
and now i am standing here 现在我站在这里
my heart's so full i can't explain 我的心满满的 无法解释
seeking faith and speaking wordsi never thought i'd say 我从未想过我会说

there can be miracles这是个奇迹寻找信仰
when you believe (when you believe)当你相信的时候
though hope is frail 尽管希望如此脆弱
it's hard to kill 但也不能轻易扑灭
who know what miracle 谁知道什么是奇迹
you can achieve (you can achieve) 你可以做到
when you believe 当你相信的时候
somehow you will 不知道什么原因你就会做到
you will when you believe 当你相信的时候就会做到

they don't always happen when you ask 当你询问的时候它们不经常出现
and it's easy to give in to your fear 而且很轻易地带给你惧怕
but when you're blinded by your pain但是当你因为痛苦而盲目无助
can't see you way safe through the rainthought of a still resilient voice
says love is very near 想象一种很平静的声音说爱是如此靠近不能在大雨中看清你的道路

there can be miracles (miracles) 这就是奇迹 奇迹
when you believe (when you believe) 当你相信的时候 当你相信的时候
though hope is frail 尽管希望如此脆弱
it's hard to kill 但也不能轻易扑灭
who know what miracles 谁知道什么是奇迹
you can achieve (you can achieve)你可以做到 你可以做到
when you believe 当你相信的时候
somehow you will不知道什么原因你就会做到

you will when you believe 你会做到当你相信的时候
you will when you believe 你会做到当你相信的时候
you will when you believe 你会做到当你相信的时候
just believe 就那么相信
you will when you believe 你会做到当你相信的时候

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 04:08

many nights we've pray.很多夜里我们在祈祷着.
with no proof anyone could hear.并不一定人人都听得见.
and our hearts a hopeful song.我们心中的希望之歌.
we barely understood.我们也不能完全理解.
now we are not afraid.如今我们一无所惧.
although we know there's much 2 fear.尽管我们知道前路困难重重.
we were moving mountains.我们移山之力.
long before we knew we could.很久以前就可以了(只是我们原来不知道).

there can be miracles.奇迹就会出现.
when u believe.当你充满信心.
though hope is frail.尽管希望渺茫.
it's hard 2 kill.但却难以扼杀.
who knows what miracles ?谁能预料到会有什么奇迹?
u can achieve.能由你达成.
somehow u will.突然之间你就创造了奇迹.
u will when u believe !只要有坚定的信仰你就能成功!

in this time of fear.你面对恐惧时.
when prayer so often proves in vain.当你徒劳的频频祈祷时.
hope seems like the summer birds.当希望就象夏日的鸟儿.
too swiftly flown away.眨眼就飞走了的时候.
and now i am standing here.然而此刻我站在这里.
my heart's so full i can't explain.心中充满难以表达的*.
seeking faith speaking words.寻求信仰和勇敢的演讲.
i never thought i'd say.说我从未曾说过的话.
when u believe(when u believe).当你充满信心!
u can achieve(u can achieve).你就能成功!

they don't always happen when u ask.你求助四方却无人回应.
and it's easy 2 give in 2 ur fear.屈服于恐惧是那么的容易.
but when u're blinded by ur pain.当你被痛苦蒙住了双眼.
can't see ur way safe through the rain.就看不到雨中的路.
a small but still resilient voice.一个微弱但持续回响的声音.
says done is very near.告诉你胜利就在眼前.
there can be miracles(miracles).会有奇迹发生.
u will(u will)when u believe !当你充满信心!
just believe !仅仅是充满信心!
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